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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum
Rodríguez Sánchez, Carla

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Current professional activity


Academic background

  • Doctor Europeo en Marketing y Dirección Estratégica de Empresas- Premio Extraordinario
    Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH) (19/07/2016)
  • Máster Universitario Oficial en Gestión de RRHH, Trabajo y Organizaciones
  • Licenciatura en Investigación y Técnicas de Mercado- Premio Extraordinario
    UMH (13/12/2010)
  • Diplomatura en Ciencias Empresariales (Opción Dirección Comercial)- Premio Extraordinario
    University Alicante (23/11/2007)

I am currently a Tenured Professor at the Department of Marketing at the University of Alicante (UA) and have held the Accreditation as a Full Professor by ANECA since October 2024. Previously, I worked at UMH as a predoctoral research fellow (Vali+d grant) and as an adjunct professor.

Regarding my training, I have a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the UA (2007, First Honors), a Master's Degree in Business Management from Sorbonne University in Paris and Chamber of Commerce of Alicante (2008), a Bachelor’s Degree in Research and Techniques of Market from UMH (2010, First Honors), a Master's Degree in Management of Human Resources and Organizations from UMH (2012) and a European PhD in Marketing and Strategic Business Management from UMH (2016, First Honors). I am currently a member of the European Social Marketing (ESMA) Board and I am an elected member of the Board of Directors of the International Social Marketing Association (iSMA).

I am part of the "Marketing" research group from 2017 where we have carried out several publications and communications at national and international conferences. I want to highlight my interest in research and international dissemination of my work, so I conducted a research stay at the University College of Dublin in 2015. Also, I am a reviewer for several international journals of high impact as well as international conferences in the field of marketing and business (eg., Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Tourism Management, Journal of Environmental Management, European Marketing Conference, among others).

My main line of research focuses on the study of the consumer behavior in the area of social marketing and tourism. Particularly focused on the conservation of natural resources (e.g., Journal of Environmental Psychology, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Waste Management, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, British Journal of Social Psychology, Urban Water Journal, among others) and in the behavior of young people regarding different addictions (e.g., Health Education Research Journal, Journal of Social Marketing, among others).