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Brief curriculum
Ramón Rodríguez, Ana Belén

Personal data

Tel. No.
+34 965903400 x 3610

Current professional activity


Academic background

    Centro de Estudios de Doctorado y Posgrado (21/12/2000)
  • Doctora en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales.
    Universidad de Alicante. (01/12/2000)
  • Licenciada en Ciencias Económicas.
    Universidad de Alicante. (30/06/1992)

I am graduated in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of Alicante in 1992, Spain, and obtained my PhD in Tourism Economics from the University of Alicante (Spain) in 2000. I am currently a Full Professor in the area of Applied Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Alicante, Spain.

My research activity focuses on the field of economic analysis of tourism. The 2002 paper of Tourism Management derives from my doctoral thesis "The internationalization of the Spanish hotel sector", thesis financed by the Ministry of Commerce, Tourism and SMEs, in its call for "Scholarships Tourism of Spain for doctoral theses "In 1998. It becomes a seminal paper and a relevant reference in this field. From this line of research derive several more publications, national and international, in journals such as International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Industry, Tourism Economics or Tourism Management Perspectives. Later, I continue this line of research, applying the main theories of internationalization to airlines, work that is published in the Journal of Air Transport Industry. In relation to international hotel investment, in 2008 I collaborated with the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) in the research of the resort development in Caribbean in World Investment Report. In terms of human capital and its impact on the tourism sector, my contribution focuses on the direction of a doctoral thesis whose main result is published in 2005 Tourism Economics. Another line of open research has been the analysis of competitiveness in tourism, the main result being the award for the best article published in the prestigious international magazine Tourism Economics during 2016, on the effects of economic crises on the competitiveness of tourism in Spain, winning the Thea Sinclair Award 2017. In this line of research we continue to publish in magazines such as Current Issues in Tourism, Tourism Management or Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Economics Bulletin. Within the analysis of competitiveness in tourism in Spain, I have studied its relationship with business efficiency, employment in tourist destinations, the effects of economic crises or political instability, the forecast of the effects of Brexit, impact of spring Arab, the competitiveness of residential tourism, tourism as a factor of economic growth, sustainable growth and tourism and innovation, etc. In the economic analysis of the tourism sector and innovation is part of another of my lines of work: the setting of online prices on low cost airlines and the impact of ICTs for the balance in the air transport market, with publications in European Journal of Operational Research or in the online tourist accommodation market where we have accepted a paper in Journal of Destination Marketing and Management.

I have carried out training and research stays at Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom, 2003-2004). In addition, my teaching and research activity has led me to visit several universities and research centers in different countries as well as to participate in conferences, workshops, seminars and so forth, and to be a part of expert panels and scientific and organizing committees. I am an evaluator of several JCR journals in my field of research and belong to the Editorial Committee of the international magazine Tourism Economics. Since 2010 I have been leading a research group dedicated to tourism analysis and innovation. I am also a referee for JCR-SSCI indexed journal, as well as Scopus and Latindex. As you can see, I am passionate about researching and I see these opportunities as important learning processes, which allow me to better understand and comprehend new paths of such a cross-cutting activity as Tourism is.