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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum
Martínez Roig, Rosabel

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Current professional activity

Academic background

  • Doctorado en Investigación Educativa
    Universidad de Alicante (12/07/2024)
  • Máster en Investigación Educativa
  • Grado en Psicología
    Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (01/07/2021)
  • Grado en Maestro de Educación Primaria
    Universidad de Alicante (29/06/2021)

Rosabel Martínez Roig is Assistant Professor in the Department of General Didactics and Specific Didactics at the University of Alicante (UA). She is a graduate in Primary Education Teacher by the UA (where she was awarded the extraordinary degree's award) and graduate in Psychology (psychologist membership number: CV16700) by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). In addition, she holds a Master's degree in Educational Research from the University of Alicante (where she was awarded the extraordinary master's degree award) . She has been a collaboration grant holder (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Spain) in the Department of General Didactics and Specific Didactics at the University of Alicante (academic year 2020-21). She is a member of the research group GIDU-EDUTIC/IN (Research Group on University Teaching-Education and Information and Communication Technologies. Inclusive Education) (VIGROB-330) of the University of Alicante. Her research work focuses on the integration of digital technology in education. She is author of several scientific publications such as "Children's Youtubers in initial teacher training. Nuevas formas de oralidad y escritura" (2020), "Violencias múltiples en el espacio escolar: la travesía hacia la violencia de género" (2020), etc., published in journals such as Sustainability (Impact Factor 2.576; Citescore 3.9 Scopus) and publishers such as Octaedro (Q1 in the SPI ranking). She has participated in several projects, nationals such as "NOOC: "How to educate in gender equality in secondary school classrooms" (University of Alicante), as well as international projects ("Herit-app. Tandem-developed multilingual audioguides for the dissemination of our cultural heritage", UE-Erasmus+). He has also given workshops for teachers (e.g. "Gamification in the classroom with Genially", Jornadas DIM); he has been a member of the organising committees of academic activities: Webinar "Experiences around inclusive education" (Faculty of Education UA, 2021), 56th Meeting of Innovative Centres "Didactics, Innovation and Multimedia" (2021), etc. She has several communications such as "La milotxa poetessa. Un recurs per a treballar la poesia a Primària", "La realidad aumentada como herramienta de aprendizaje sobre contenidos de discapacidad", ""La formación docente inicial en TIC: visión del futuro profesorado de Educación Infantil", published in high impact publishers such as: Peter Lang, IGI Global, Afers, Octaedro, Dykinson, etc.