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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum

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Current professional activity


Academic background

  • Doctora en Derecho, Sobresaliente Cum-Laude. Tesis: El Sexo de la Constitución. El discurso jurídico
    Escuela de Doctorado (EDUA). Universidad Alicante (29/06/2021)
  • Certificado Alta Formación en Justicia Constitucional y Tutela Jurisdiccional de los Derechos (Corso di Alta Formazione in Giustizia Costituzionale e Tutela Giurisdizionales dei Diritti)
    Dipartamento di Giurisprudenza, Università Pisa (22/01/2021)
  • Máster Ofic. en Sists. y Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información, espec. Derechos y Tics (Prem. Extraord). TFM: Los derechos de la privacy en la Ley 25/2007, de conserv. de datos. Calif: MH(10)
    Universidad Valencia. Facultad Derecho (01/10/2010)
  • Máster en Malos Tratos y Violencia de Género (Título propio)
    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) (17/11/2008)
  • Experta Universitaria en Malos Tratos y Violencia de Género (Postgrado, título propio)
    Facultad de Derecho de la UNED (20/11/2007)
  • Experta Universitaria en Nuevas Tecnologías y Derechos Fundamentales (Postgrado, título propio)
    Facultad de Derecho de la UNED (01/11/2006)
  • Experta Universitaria en Criminología (Postgrado, título propio). Trabajo final: Estudio sobre teorías criminológicas.
    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) (01/11/2006)
  • Máster en Bioética (Título propio)
    UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA (14/09/2006)
  • Postgrado en Mediación en los Procesos de Separación y Divorcio (Postgrado, título propio)
    Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de Murcia (28/02/2005)
  • Diplomada con `Mención` por la Escuela de Prácticas Jurídicas de la Región de Murcia para la formación práctica y ejercicio de la abogacía.
    Escuela Prácticas Jurídicas Universidad de Murcia (01/11/2003)
  • Licenciada en Derecho
    Universidad de Murcia (19/07/2002)
  • Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA) en el Doctorado Constitución y Derechos Fundamentales en Europa
    Universidad de Alicante (01/01/0001)
  • Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA) en el Doctorado Interuniversitario de Género
    Universidad de Alicante (01/01/0001)

María Concepción Torres Díaz is a Doctor in Law, lecturer in the area of Constitutional Law at the Department of State Legal Studies (Faculty of Law of the University of Alicante). She currently works exclusively in teaching and research. Expert in Constitutional Justice, bioethics, bio-rights and bio-power, ICT rights, equality and non-discrimination, anti-discrimination protection, iusfeminism and gender perspective as a legal methodology. She has been a lawyer and legal advisor having combined, for more than 15 years (2008-2023), her professional and teaching activity as an associate lecturer at the UA and as an external collaborating lecturer at the UNED and UJI. Feminist jurist.

Her academic and professional activity has been developed, for more than twenty years, in three main areas: (a) University teaching and research. She has an extensive teaching and research career at the University of Alicante and the UNED (five-year teaching and six-year research recognition). She is the author of numerous scientific articles published in scientific journals, book chapters, monographs, etc. She has also given more than 250 lectures and conferences at national and international conferences, seminars and congresses on constitutional justice, rights and freedoms, equality and non-discrimination, gender violence, etc. (2008-present); (b) Independent professional in the practice of law and legal advice, mainstreaming the gender perspective; and, (c) Scientific-legal disseminator in the general media. Contributor and legal analyst in media such as Agenda Pública, elpaí,,, IberICONnet, Tribuna Feminista, La Maleta de Portbou, CTXT Contexto, etc. (2014-present).

Academic background: (1) PhD in Law, Excellent CUM-LAUDE. Doctoral Programme in Law. Line of research: Gender, Power and Law. Iusfeminismo y constitucionalismo crítico (University of Alicante); (2) Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA). Doctoral Programme in Constitution and Fundamental Rights in Europe. Qualification: 10 (Outstanding). Accreditation of Research Proficiency (University of Alicante); (3) Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA). Inter-University Doctoral Programme in Gender. Qualification: 10 (Outstanding) Accreditation of Research Proficiency (University of Alicante); (4) Official Master's Degree in Information Society Systems and Services, specialising in Information and Communication Rights and Technologies. Extraordinary Award (University of Valencia); (5) Master's Degree in Abuse and Gender Violence, "Special Mention" (UNED); (6) Master's Degree in Bioethics (University of Murcia); (7) Certificate "with Special Mention" of Advanced Training in Constitutional Justice and Jurisdictional Protection of Rights (Corso di Alta Formazione in Giustizia Costituzionale e Tutela Giurisdizionale dei Diritti), Dipartamento di Giurisprudenza, Pisa (Italy); (8) Diploma "with Special Mention" of Practical Training for the Practice of Law. School of Legal Practice of the Region of Murcia (University of Murcia); (9) Degree in Law (University of Murcia).