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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum
Sepulcre Martínez, Juan Matias

Personal data

Tel. No.
+34 965903400 x 1320

Current professional activity

No data.

Academic background

  • Licenciatura en Ciencias y Técnicas Estadísticas
    Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (01/07/2009)
  • Doctorado en Matemáticas y Aplicaciones Científico-Técnicas
    Universidad de Alicante (21/10/2008)

Juan Matías Sepulcre is a senior lecturer at the University of Alicante's Department of Mathematics (since 13th December 2017). He has been working as a math teacher -mainly for degrees in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry- since academical course 2008/2009, and he is proud of this because mathematics (and its teaching) has been one of his great passions since he was a child.

He obtained his PhD degree in 2008. His research interests span a range of targets with emphasis on the field of the complex variable and its applications. He has co-authored over 40 JCR peer reviewed research papers, many of them in high quality journals of recognized prestige in the area of mathematics and, more specifically, in the area of mathematical analysis (for instance, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Studia Mathematica, Experimental Mathematics or The Ramanujan Journal). As it can be checked in some of these publications, Dr. Sepulcre has contributed to solve several conjectures and open problems, dealing with the theories of almost periodic functions, exponential polynomials and fractal strings, which were formulated in 2003 by reputed authors (specifically, M.L. Lapidus and M. Van Frankenhuysen). In fact, these research efforts were carried out during the periods when he worked as a principal researcher of two research projects funded by Valencian Community (GV/2015/035) and University of Alicante (GRE11-23), which supported two short-term stays at scientific institutions. This author has given over 40 lectures and communications in scientific meetings and research institutions, as well as being a member of several organizing and scientific committees of national and international conferences and meetings (for instance, XVII Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, Workshop on Functional Analysis in Alhucemas or Workshop on Mathematical Analysis in Alicante). Moreover, this researcher has served as a reviewer of several high quality journals. His current research is focused on the spaces of almost periodic functions, the distribution of zeros of certain classes of exponential sums, Lipschitz compact operators and Asymmetric structures in Analysis, which have connections and applications in many fields of study. Some concrete objectives and topics of interest include the extension of some important results such as Bohr's equivalence theorem or Bochner-type property. Sepulcre has also supervised 9 final year undergraduate projects and scholarships.

Sepulcre is also the author of numerous books and articles of educational interest related to teaching in the area of mathematical analysis and problem solving techniques. In addition, this teacher also performs, continuously, different tasks and contributions in the context of popularization of mathematics.

Some positions exerted by Sepulcre are: Director of the Secretariat of Access and University Orientation (from January 2025), Coordinator of Communication and Teaching Innovation of the Faculty of Sciences of the UA (May 2022 - January 2025), Secretary of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (from January 2025), Member of the Board of RSME (from February of 2024), Delegated of the RSME in Alicante (from 2020), Coordinator of the Entrance Examinations (PAU) in the UA (in the examinations celebrated in 2022) and President of board of examiners of PAU (from 2020).

When he is not working, JuanMa likes to explore this beautiful surroundings with his friends. Another of his passions is sport, particularly jogging and cinema, a welcome distraction through which he has met incredible people.
