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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum

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Current professional activity


Academic background

  • Doctor Europaeus. Mención Europea del título de Doctor, RD56/2005
    Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (05/07/2010)
  • Doctor Ingeniero Industrial
    DIHMA-UPV (18/06/2010)
  • Master en Ingeniería hidráulica y Medio ambiente
    DIHMA-UPV (22/12/2008)
  • Diploma de Estudios Avanzados. Suficiencia Investigadora
    DIHMA-UPV (25/07/2007)
  • Título de Especialista Universitario en Ingeniería Hidráulica y Medio Ambiente. Intensificación en la gestión del agua en el entorno Urbano
    Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (21/07/2005)
  • Ingeniería industrial
    ETSII-UPV (27/02/2004)

Miguel Ángel Pardo is currently an associate professor at the University of Alicante (Department of Civil Engineering), where he has been working since 2011.
of Civil Engineering) where he has developed his activity since 2011. In terms of teaching, Miguel Ángel Pardo teaches (2084 hours considering until the year 2020-2021) related to the area of knowledge of Hydraulic Engineering, with subjects related to Hydraulic Engineering, with subjects related to hydraulics, hydrology, and fluid mechanics, taught in fluid mechanics, taught in bachelor's and master's degree programmes. In research, Miguel Ángel Pardo is interested in different fields: energy optimisation of drinking water distribution networks, use of solar energy for direct use in pressurised water networks, reuse of drinking water and sustainability of urban water networks, water reuse and sustainability of urban water networks.
Prior to this period (from 2005 to 2009), Miguel Ángel Pardo held an FPI pre-doctoral research grant awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology.
FPI pre-doctoral research grant awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation with reference number CGL2004-05507. The research carried out at the Department of Hydraulic Engineering and the Environment of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, was related to the establishment and quantification of the
quantification of network renewal strategies from the point of view of service standards.
During the pre-doctoral period, Miguel Ángel Pardo carried out research stays at the "Centre for Water Systems" (4 months) at the University of Exeter in 2008. He has also carried out teaching stays at the Polytechnic of Bari (2017) and at Fachhochschule Salzburg (2018).

During the year 2022, Miguel Ángel Pardo has carried out a research stay (6 months) at Wageningen University and Research (WUR) in Wageningen (The Netherlands) with a Jose Castillejo grant (CAS21/00085) awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities. 
Miguel Ángel Pardo is participating in 1 European call research project (KA-220-HED) on CO2 mitigation in construction and urban infrastructures, and he has participated in 1 research project of the National Plan, and in 1 project, on the content of metals in urban runoff water, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana within the call for projects developed by emerging research groups. Previously, Miguel Ángel Pardo was the PI of an emerging research project of the University of Alicante's own research programme, also on the development of specific tools to manage pressurised water networks.
Miguel Ángel has participated in 10 contracts with companies and developed three software for teaching and research purposes to allocate leakages in a pressurized water distribution network, for the calculation of energy audits and for the sizing of solar photovoltaic installations that supply the pressurised irrigation networks.
Miguel Ángel has taken part in 18 teaching innovation projects (being PI in 4 of them), directed 1 Doctoral Thesis, 10 Master's Final Projects (2 International) and 33 Degree Final Projects. His scientific production also includes 21 publications in JCR journals, 2 publications indexed in Scopus, 4 publications indexed in
indexed in Scopus, 4 scientific publications in non-indexed journals, 1 book as an editor, 16 chapters of scientific research books, 20 chapters of teaching research books, 25 contributions to national and international contributions to national and international conferences and 7 contributions to teaching conferences.
Miguel Ángel has won 2 research awards.