Santiago Meliá is associate Profesor at the Department of Languages and Information Systems at the University of Alicante. His research interest includes Model-Driven Development, Web Engineering Methodologies, Automatic Code Generation Techniques and Web Software Architecture, all of them are part of his Ph.D. received at the University of Alicante in 2007. In the last years has focused on the empirical software engineering applied to the area of the model-driven for refuting his promises of improvement in productivity, maintainability and satisfaction in the software development.
He has published in prestigious journals such as (IEEE Internet Computing, Journal of Systems and Software, Information Systems Frontiers, European Journal of Information Systems, Information Software Technology, Journal of Web Engineering, etc.) and conferences (OOPSLA, WISE, ER, EC-Web, ICWE, CADUI, etc.). He regularly serves in the PC of several international conferences (WWW, ICWE, JISBD) and he has co-organized during three years the international workshop MDWE (2011, 2012 and 2013).
Finally, It is important to hightlight that he has coordinated and participated in several industrial research projects in which it has been able to apply the latest techniques of software engineering to develop applications for companies like Ambulancias Ayuda S.L.U, INASE, Patronato de Turismo de la diputación de Alicante, Smartloto S.L, SUMA Gestión Tributaria, etc.
Santiago Meliá is associate Profesor at the Department of Languages and Information Systems at the University of Alicante. His research interest includes Model-Driven Development, Web Engineering Methodologies, Automatic Code Generation Techniques and Web Software Architecture, all of them are part of his Ph.D. received at the University of Alicante in 2007. In the last years has focused on the empirical software engineering applied to the area of the model-driven for refuting his promises of improvement in productivity, maintainability and satisfaction in the software development.
He has published in prestigious journals such as (IEEE Internet Computing, Journal of Systems and Software, Information Systems Frontiers, European Journal of Information Systems, Information Software Technology, Journal of Web Engineering, etc.) and conferences (OOPSLA, WISE, ER, EC-Web, ICWE, CADUI, etc.). He regularly serves in the PC of several international conferences (WWW, ICWE, JISBD) and he has co-organized during three years the international workshop MDWE (2011, 2012 and 2013).
Finally, It is important to hightlight that he has coordinated and participated in several industrial research projects in which it has been able to apply the latest techniques of software engineering to develop applications for companies like Ambulancias Ayuda S.L.U, INASE, Patronato de Turismo de la diputación de Alicante, Smartloto S.L, SUMA Gestión Tributaria, etc.