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+34 965903400 x 3787

Current professional activity


Academic background

  • Filosofía y Letras
    Universidad de Alicante (26/06/1993)
  • Filología Clásica
    Universidad Complutense (30/06/1988)

I studied Classical Philology at the Complutense University. I do research on novel papyri, Herculanean papyrology, female literacy and the staging of Greek drama. In 2013, I translated the 1672 Herculanean papyrus On the Rhetoric of Philodemus for the exhibition The Papyri Village at the Casa del lector. Among my most recent publications are "The Ninus romance: New Textual and Contextual Stu-dies", APF, 65.1(2019), 20-44; "The papyri of The Book of Jannes and Jambres in the context of the lost Greek novels", in A. Cortijo, V. Martines, A. A. A. dos Santos (eds.), Mirabilia 30 (2020/1), 90-113; "Yawning matters: what can hiatus tell us about the lost Greek novels? What can the heroon in honour of Kineas on the Banks of the Oxus River tell us about The wonders beyond Thule?" AN 18(2021); "Amazons beyond the seas: New contributions to the Greek novel Calligone (POxy. 5355 and PSI 981)," Hofstra Hispanic Review 5.11(2021), 23-53; "Von Schiffbrüchen, Reisen und Abenteurern. Die ersten griechischen Romane der Antike", AW 3(2021), 72-80. I have been PI on 4 projects: The philosophical treatises of Philodemus of Gadara; Fact and fiction of female empowerment in Greek novel papyri and Text and context in novel papyri (Generalitat Valenciana), the last one still in vigoar. Also in Eroticorum graecorum fragmenta in papyris membranisve reperta, funded by the BBVA Logos Programme.  He has directed 3 theses and enjoyed stays in Mexico, Argentina, United States, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Turkey, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Egypt. My versions of Greek drama have been staged and translated into other languages. I have created the website ficcionenpapiro for the dissemination of my research, which includes a video channel, a podcast channel and a collection of die-cut and interactive stories Greek stories on papyrus: Nino, the adventures of the King of Nineveh, Madrid 2021, The adventures of Caligone and the Amazons, Madrid 2022. In preparation: El papiro del faraón Sesoncosis and Parténope, la hija del tirano. I have been working for years on a new edition of the novel papyri and a translation of the treatise On the Poems of Philodemus. I am editing the volume The Reality of Women in the Universe of the Ancient Novel, to be published in 2023 by John Benjamins. I have been a member of the Spanish Society of Papyrology (2022-) and a member of the Spanish Society of Classical Studies where I have been a member, Treasurer and Vice-President, until today. I am a member of the Spanish Association of Papyrology. I am a Greek II Specialist in the LOGSE and LOMCE entrance exams from 2013-2016 and from 2018 until today and Speaker for the Valencian Community in 2013-2016 and from 2021 until today.