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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum
Galiana Sánchez, Maria Eugenia

Personal data

Tel. No.
+34 965903400 x 9853

Current professional activity

Academic background

    Centro de Estudios de Doctorado y Posgrado (26/05/2010)
  • Master Oficial en Ciencias de la Enfermería
    Facultad de Ciencias de la salud. Universidad Alicante (01/06/2007)
  • Diploma Estudios Avanzados
    Universidad de Alicante (01/12/2005)
  • Licenciada en Enfermería
    Hogeschool Zeeland (16/07/2003)
  • Máster en Salud Pública y Gestión de Sevicios Sanitarios
  • Especialista Universitario en Gestión de Servicios de Enfermería
    Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Alicante (30/09/1994)
  • Diploma de Enfermería de empresa
    Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Instituto Nacional de Sanidad (01/12/1992)
  • Enfermería
    University Alicante (30/06/1992)

PhD in Public Health and Professor at the University of Alicante. Her research activity has been recognised with 3 Six-year research activity period. She has focused on the history of public health in contemporary Spain and Europe, specifically on three lines of work: 1) the study of the historical-health conditioning factors of the health, epidemiological and nutritional transition in contemporary Spain, 2) the study of poverty and living conditions as determinants of health and 3) The analysis of the historical background of health professions, specifically public health nursing and other socio-health activities incorporating the gender perspective. In recent years she has extended this last line to the study of the history of women as patients and users of health and social services.

As a result of this research activity, she has published a total of 60 articles and 55 book chapters and has co-authored 5 books. She has also made 188 scientific contributions, including communications and papers at national and international conferences. She has supervised 7 doctoral theses and is in the process of supervising 4 more. She has participated as a researcher in 7 public competitive research projects, being principal investigator (PI) in 4 of them, as well as in inter-university research networks, also in public competitive calls.

 In all of them, she has contributed a look at public health and health professions in which she has contemplated aspects such as the gender approach or the holistic perspective of health sciences. In recent years, these research interests have materialised in a leadership role in the study of the history of women in the social and health care field and have consolidated this line of research as a solid aspect in the research groups to which she belongs. This trajectory has allowed her to direct the Balmis Research Group in History of Science, Health Care and Food of the University of Alicante, since its creation in 2020. She is a member of the University Institute for Research in Gender Studies of the University of Alicante (IUIEG) and of the Institute for Health and Biomedical Research of Alicante - FISABIO Foundation (ISABIAL). She also participates as a researcher in the research groups GADEA (, SANHISOC ( ) and NISALdes ( Her research has been enriched by the multidisciplinary approach in the formation of the teams, as well as by theoretical and methodological parameters such as social history, women's history and applied history. His interest in knowledge transfer activities, which enabled her to participate in development cooperation projects and exhibitions. She is currently the curator of the travelling exhibition "Synergies: Lessons from History. The diseases of poverty in contemporary Mediterranean Europe", which shows the results of the latest research project in which she has been PI, "Past and present in the control of neglected diseases of poverty: the historical example of Mediterranean Europe and international health cooperation" and in which there is an important gender focus in the exhibition discourse. As an example of her leadership and internationalisation skills, she is currently the President of the European Association for the History of Nursing (EAHN), an association which brings together a large number of representatives from different countries in Europe and which ensures quality historical research.
