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Brief curriculum
Escandell Poveda, Raquel

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Current professional activity

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Academic background

  • Empresa, Economía y Sociedad. Línea Comunicación, Comportamiento y Sociedad
    Universidad de Alicante (28/07/2021)
  • Lienciado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas
    Universidad de Alicante (30/07/2004)

Lecturer at the University of Alicante in the Department of Communication and Social Psychology since 2008. Degree with Extraordinary Award in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Alicante and Diploma in the Superior Course in Online Marketing by ESIC in Barcelona.

PhD from the University of Alicante in 2021, with Outstanding Award, in the Business, Economy and Society programme, Communication, Behaviour and Society line with the first doctoral thesis on the SEO sector (search engine optimisation) in Spain.

He collaborates in the project funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spain): "Parameters and strategies to increase the relevance of media and digital communication in society: curation, visualisation and visibility (CUVICOM)". PID2021-123579OB-I00 (MICINN).

She has been part of several research networks in university teaching such as: Technologies in digital communication: competences and expectations, Technologies in Digital Communication Studies and Advertising Research and Planning and she is currently part of the Strategic Communication Studies Group (E-COM).

She teaches in the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations in the fourth year core subject: Media Research and Planning and in Information Management in Communication, in the third year. She has also taught Advertising and Tourism. In the University Master's Degree in Digital Communication, she coordinates and teaches the subject Search Engine Optimisation and Advertising and has been a lecturer in the University's Own Degrees such as the Master's Degree in Online Communication or the Specialist Course in Web Design. He has supervised several final degree and master's degree projects.

His lines of research focus on search engine optimisation (SEO), professional skills and profiles, communication and new technologies. His articles have been published in El profesional de la información (JCR-2021), Revista de Comunicación (SJR-Q2) or (SJR-Q2) and he has participated in collective works of publishers such as Tirant Lo Blanc or Pirámide.

She combined teaching and research with a 20-year career in various communication and advertising agencies. As a digital marketing communication consultant, she specialized in SEO content, copywriting, and web strategy. She also served as a marketing manager in a private company.