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 € por curso académico




International Doctoral School


Only taught at this university


WEBSITE PhD in Water and Sustainable Development

Academic Commission

 Coordinator: Daniel Prats Rico

 Secretary: Guadalupe Ortiz Noguera

Quality Commission

Coordinator: Guadalupe Ortiz Noguera 

Proposing body:

University Institute of the Water and the Environmental Sciencies

Doctoral School:

EIDUA-University of Alicante International Doctoral School

Location: Multipurpose Building II (Codi SIGUA 0022PB001)

Telephone number 965 90 3466 

Contact EIDUA








CB11 - Systematic comprehension of a field of study and mastery of the skills and research methods related to said field. 

CB12 - Ability to conceive, design or create, put into practice and adopt a substantial research or creation process. 

CB13 - Ability to contribute to the expansion of knowledge barriers through original research. 

CB14 - Ability to carry out a critical and evaluative analysis and synthesize new and complex ideas. 

CB15 - Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community as well as society in general regarding your fields of knowledge in the modes and languages used normally in your international scientific community. 

CB16 - Ability to foment scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural advances within a knowledge-based society in academic and professional contexts. 


CA01 - To cope with contexts in which there is little specific information. 

CA02 - To find the key questions that must be answered to solve a complex problem. 

CA03 - To design, create, develop and carry out innovating projects in your field of knowledge. 

CA04 - To be able to work as a team and as an individual in an international and multidisciplinary context. 

CA05 - To process knowledge, cope with complexity and formulate judgements with limited information. 

CA06 - To criticise and defend solutions intellectually.

Common compulsory transversal training activities

All students will have to do a series of transversal activities; some are common to all doctoral programs whereas others are specific to each individual program.

The vehicular languages will be Spanish and Valencian. 

The activities are the following: 

  • ACTIVITY 1: Tools for the management and recovery of information.
  • ACTIVITY 2: Goals and objectives of research.
  • ACTIVITY 3: Scientific communication models.
  • ACTIVITY 4: Transfer of knowledge models.

For more information check the University of Alicante International Doctoral School webpage

 Specific compulsory training activities

The activities are the following:

  • ACTIVITY 1: Seminars for doctoral students.
  • ACTIVITY 2: Presentation of scientific communications.
  • ACTIVITY 3: Prepare a scientific article.

Optional transversal training activities

The activities are the following:

  • ACTIVITY 1: Seminars and research workshops.
  • ACTIVITY 2: Stays at Universities and Higher Research Centres.

For more information contact the proposing body. Institute of Water and Environmental Sciences.


Research areas

Research staff



  1. Surface water and groundwater, air quality, water and soil
  2. Water treatment. New technologies
  3. Climate change, circular economy, water reuse and waste management
  4. History, economy and society
  5. Environmental law, construction materials, land use planning and the protection of the marine environment



Area 1: Surface water and groundwater, air quality, water and soil

Andreu Rodes, José Miguel

Asensi Steegmann, Juan Carlos

Boluda Botella, Nuria

Carratalá Giménez, Adoración

Garmendia López, Idoia

Gomis Yagües, Vicente

Prats Rico, Daniel

Saquete Ferrándiz, Mª Dolores

Sentana Gadea, Irene

Trapote Jaume, Arturo

Valdés Abellán, Javier

Varó Galvañ, Pedro


Area 2: Water treatment. New technologies.

Boluda Botella, Nuria

Fernández Torquemada, Yolanda

Pla Bru, Concepción

Prats Rico, Daniel

Sánchez Lizaso, José Luis

Saquete Ferrándiz, Mª Dolores

Sentana Gadea, Irene

Trapote Jaume, Arturo

Varó Galvañ, Pedro


Area 3: Climate change, circular economy, water reuse and waste management

Boluda Botella, Nuria

Fullana Font, Andrés

Melgarejo Moreno, Joaquín

Moltó Berenguer, Julia

Montaño Sanz, Francisco de Borja

Moya Llamas, Mª José

Prats Rico, Daniel

Trapote Jaume, Arturo

Varó Galvañ, Pedro

Zaragoza Martí, Mª Francisca


Area 4: History, economy and society

Aledo Tur, Antonio José

Boluda Botella, Nuria

Fernández Aracil, Patricia

Gil Maciá, Lorenzo

López Ortiz, María Inmaculada

Melgarejo Moreno, Joaquín

Miranda Encarnación, José Antonio

Montaño Sanz, Francisco de Borja

Ortiz Noguera, Guadalupe

Sáez García, Miguel Ángel

Sanabria García, Sonia

Sánchez Sánchez, Ángel

Zaragoza Martí, Mª Francisca


Area 5: Environmental law, construction materials, land use planning and the protection of the marine environment

Abellán Contreras, Francisco José

Beltrán Castellanos, José Miguel

Echarri Iribarren, Victor

Fernández Aracil, Patricia

Fernández Torquemada, Yolanda

Martí Ciriquian, Pablo

Martínez Almira, Magdalena

Melgarejo Moreno, Joaquín

Molina Giménez, Andrés

Moya Llamas Mª José

Pardo Picazo, Miguel Ángel

Pérez del Hoyo, Raquel

Pla Bru, Concepción

Rizo Maestre, Carlos

Sánchez Lizaso, José Luis

Valdés Abellán, Javier



1. To be admitted in a doctoral program at the University of Alicante, it is necessary to fill in an electronic pre-registration form, available annually on the EDUA website.

2. Before starting the pre-registration process, it is advisable to consult the website of the chosen doctoral program in order to know the admission requirements demanded by the program.

3. The Academic Commissions (AC) are in charge of the admission process in the different doctoral programs.

4. The academic commissions decide annually the offer of places in every doctoral program according to the preconditions established in its Verified Memory. The commission may determine not to offer places when not having directors or tutors at any research line.

5. If the resolution is of “no admission”, in the computer application the reasons for the same will be detailed, having a calendar month to formulate an appeal before the AC; from the date of the resolution.



1. In parallel with the admission process carried out by the AC, the Doctoral School (EDUA) verifies that the documentation provided is the one requested in the pre-registration form.

2. Applicants with higher studies attained in countries different from the EHEA*, at the moment of pre-registration process should pay an administrative fee for the study of their documentation, (equivalence study). The price of the rate is fixed annually by the Government of the Generalitat Valencia, by Decree.

3. People who do not provide the documentation in the terms required in the access process, may rectify this incident within 15 calendar days, from EDUA communication or, exceptionally, within the period determined by EDUA according to the concurrent circumstances.

4. When the incidents detected have not been resolved in the form and time determined by EDUA, the originated file academic record will be closed, without further processing.

5. The Doctorate School will proceed to open academic records to those who have been admitted by the AC and have correctly provided the required documentation, sending them an email with instructions to complete the enrolment process.

When the result is "no admission" it is possible to consult the grounds in the available electronic application. It is possible to raise administrative appeal (recurso de alzada) against AC resolution, within a month since resolution date.

*EHEA: European High Education Area


Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC) of the Degree

Management of the SGIC (Acces to ASTUA)

Degree monitoring

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