Francisco Yus is full professor at the University of Alicante, Spain. He has a PhD in linguistics and has specialised in the application of pragmatics (especially relevance theory) to media discourses and conversational issues, about which he has published many articles and books (on relevance theory: Cooperación y relevancia. Dos aproximaciones pragmáticas a la interpretación, 1997 and 2nd updated edition 2003). For instance, he has made two applications of pragmatics to characters in alternative comics (Conversational cooperation in alternative comics, 1995; El discurso femenino en el cómic alternativo inglés, 2001), proposed a pragmatic verbal-visual model of communication in media discourses (La interpretación y la imagen de masas, 1997), studied the written-oral interface (La preeminencia de la voz, 1998) and developed a pragmatic approach to Internet-mediated communication (Ciberpragmática, Ariel, 2001; Ciberpragmática 2.0, Ariel, 2010; Cyberpragmatics, John Benjamins, 2011; Smartphone Communication, Routledge, 2021). Latest research has to do with the application of relevance theory to the analysis of misunderstandings and irony, as well as to the production and interpretation of humorous discourses (Humour and Relevance, John Benjamins, 2016; Pragmatics of Internet Humour, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023). Francisco Yus is also editor of the journal Internet Pragmatics (
Francisco Yus is full professor at the University of Alicante, Spain. He has a PhD in linguistics and has specialised in the application of pragmatics (especially relevance theory) to media discourses and conversational issues, about which he has published many articles and books (on relevance theory: Cooperación y relevancia. Dos aproximaciones pragmáticas a la interpretación, 1997 and 2nd updated edition 2003). For instance, he has made two applications of pragmatics to characters in alternative comics (Conversational cooperation in alternative comics, 1995; El discurso femenino en el cómic alternativo inglés, 2001), proposed a pragmatic verbal-visual model of communication in media discourses (La interpretación y la imagen de masas, 1997), studied the written-oral interface (La preeminencia de la voz, 1998) and developed a pragmatic approach to Internet-mediated communication (Ciberpragmática, Ariel, 2001; Ciberpragmática 2.0, Ariel, 2010; Cyberpragmatics, John Benjamins, 2011; Smartphone Communication, Routledge, 2021). Latest research has to do with the application of relevance theory to the analysis of misunderstandings and irony, as well as to the production and interpretation of humorous discourses (Humour and Relevance, John Benjamins, 2016; Pragmatics of Internet Humour, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023). Francisco Yus is also editor of the journal Internet Pragmatics (