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Current professional activity


Academic background

  • Doctor Ingeniero en Informática
    Escuela Politécnica Superior de Alicante. Universidad de Alicante (08/07/2001)
    Centro de Estudios de Doctorado y Posgrado (21/06/2001)
  • Ingeniero en Informática
    Escuela Politécnica Superior de Alicante. Universidad de Alicante (01/06/1995)
  • Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Gestión
    Escuela Politécnica Superior de Alicante. Universidad de Alicante (01/06/1995)

Juan C. Trujillo is Full Professor at the University of Alicante, Dept. of Software and Computing Systems. Since he got his PhD in 2001, he leads the Business Intelligence research in the department and, since 2008, he is also the founder and director of the Lucentia Research Group. His main research interests include Business Intelligence applications (BI), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Strategic and Business plans, Big Data, Data Warehouses (DW), OLAP, Data Mining, and Security and Quality in Data Warehouses. Recently, he has been applying his 18 years of experience in the field to tackle the challenge of Big Data from a systematic and methodological point of view.

He is author of more than 200 conference paper, many of them in ERA A conferences, such as ER, UML, DAWAK or CAiSE, and more than 60 JCR papers, such as DKE, DSS, ISOFT, IS, or InfSci. He has been also co-editor of 11 special issues in multiple JCR journals, including DKE, DSS and CS&I. He has been PC-Chair in multiple international events, such as ER’18, ER’13, DOLAP’05, DAWAK’05-’06, and Juan C. Trujillo was Senior Editor of the Q1 JCR journal DSS (Decision Support Systems) until 2017.

It is also noteworthy the high impact of his publications in the field of BI, that have led him to become one of the most cited authors in the area, having papers with 152, 128 or 98 citations, positioned in the 3rd and 8th rank of the list of most downloaded papers in journals such as DKE (see Section C.7). One of his papers appears as the most cited in the DKE journal during a 5 year period. More information and details on his research can be found at:

Regarding his capability as a director and leader, Juan C. Trujillo has directed 12 PhD Thesis, each averaging 3 JCR publications, and promoting the internationalization of his students. He has been the Principal Investigator (PI) of multiple I+D+i projects in the National and Regional Plan, as well as International projects within the H2020 program, including also
multiple agreements and contracts for transferring technology to companies.

With regards to Technology Transfer, he owns 7 Intellectual Property Registers (IPR), and is co-founder of the Lucentia Lab S.L. Spin-off in April 2015, an EBT company participated by the University of Alicante whose objective is to facilitate the  transfer of BI and Software Engineering technology produced by the research lines.

Regarding internationalization, Juan C. Trujillo collaborates since many years ago with multiple prestigious international researchers, having publications and research stays with experts such as S. Rizzi, P. Vassiliadis, M. Golfarelli, Il-Yeol Song, or J. Mylopoulos. Furthermore, he is a very active international researcher, and he is a member of several international associations, participating in the meetings of NESSI, PLANETIC, and BDVA (Big Data Value Association) among others. It is worth noting that this international activity and networking has materialized in the participation of several European projects, such as SANMIC, SAFERPLAY, Lucretius (ERC Grant), where Juan C. Trujillo is an active researcher. Moreover, he is the Principal Invest