I graduated in Classical and Romance Studies from the University of Oviedo (2017) and obtained two Master’s degrees, in Teacher Training (2018) and Linguistics (2021), from the same university. I have been a visiting researcher at the Universities of Amsterdam (2021), Roma Tre (2022), and Oxford (2023). My doctoral thesis, in the field of functional-cognitive syntax, semantics and pragmatics, focuses on psychological verbs in Latin. I have published some translations, I also work on classical tradition and reception, and I have developed some activities related to the transfer of knowledge about Latin and the classical world.
I graduated in Classical and Romance Studies from the University of Oviedo (2017) and obtained two Master’s degrees, in Teacher Training (2018) and Linguistics (2021), from the same university. I have been a visiting researcher at the Universities of Amsterdam (2021), Roma Tre (2022), and Oxford (2023). My doctoral thesis, in the field of functional-cognitive syntax, semantics and pragmatics, focuses on psychological verbs in Latin. I have published some translations, I also work on classical tradition and reception, and I have developed some activities related to the transfer of knowledge about Latin and the classical world.