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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum

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Academic background

  • University Master`s degree in Development of Software for Mobile Devices
  • Degree in Computer Engineering
    University of Alicante (23/07/2016)
  • Degree in Technical Engineering in Telecommunications, speciality Sound and Image
    University of Alicante (04/10/2012)

Francisco José Castellanos Regalado is PhD in Computer Sciences (2022). Before that, he obtained the degree in Technical Engineer in Telecommunications specializing in Sound and Image (2012) and also the degree in Computer Engineering (2016) from the University of Alicante. After graduating from the Master's Degree in Software Development for Mobile Devices at the same university (2017), funded by the AII2016 research initiation grant, he started his research in the study and development of Optical Music Recognition systems, focus of his PhD. His PhD was funded by the Generalitat Valenciana through the grant program for the recruitment of pre-doctoral research staff (ACIF/2019/042). Since his beginnings in the research field, he has contributed with up to 16 scientific articles published in high impact journals and international conferences, as well as other contributions in research workshops. It is noteworthy that currently his research has been cited 128 times according to Google Scholar, having two articles with 35 and 40 citations.

He collaborated in teaching tasks up to a total of 18 ECTS credits in subjects of the degrees in Computer Engineering and Robotics Engineering at the University of Alicante, and he co-supervised final degree projects of 5 students already finished, and other 2 pending completion. In addition, he participated in 4 teaching projects in the University of Alicante, and he is currently participating in another one.

Most of his research is aligned with research projects such as HISPAMUS (TIN2017-86576-R) and more recently MultiScore (part of the I+D+i project PID2020-118447RA-I00, and funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), which is the project with the largest funding to date granted to the research group to which he belongs (Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Group of the University of Alicante). He also participated in other research projects such as GV/202020/030 funded by the Generalitat Valenciana and FACEPHI3-21TPA, a project carried out with the company FACEPHI BIOMETRIA, S.A.

He stayed one year collaborating with McGill University (Montreal, Canada), of which 6 months were funded by the Generalitat Valenciana (CIBEFP/2021/72). He collaborated in the project "Single Interface for Music Score Searching and Analysis" (SIMSSA), one of the most important projects in the field of music content retrieval, as coordinator and researcher of the document analysis team, under the supervision of prof. Ichiro Fujinaga, one of the leading experts on the field.

He is currently a research staff at the University of Alicante associated with the DOREMI project (TED2021-132103A-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR.