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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum
Castellanos Regalado, Francisco José

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Current professional activity


Academic background

  • University Master`s degree in Development of Software for Mobile Devices
  • Degree in Computer Engineering
    University of Alicante (23/07/2016)
  • Degree in Technical Engineering in Telecommunications, speciality Sound and Image
    University of Alicante (04/10/2012)

Francisco José Castellanos Regalado holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (2022) from the University of Alicante. Before that, he earned his degree as a Technical Engineer in Telecommunications with a specialization in Sound and Image (2012) and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering (2016) from the University of Alicante. After completing the Master's degree in Software Development for Mobile Devices (2017) at the same university, funded by the AII2016 research initiation grant, he entered the field of research, specifically focusing on the study and development of Optical Music Recognition systems, the main topic of his doctoral thesis. His Ph.D. was funded by the Generalitat Valenciana through the predoctoral research personnel hiring grant program (ACIF/2019/042). Since beginning his research career, he has contributed to up to 24 scientific articles published in high-impact journals and international conferences, as well as other contributions to research workshops. Notably, his research has currently been cited 295 times according to Google Scholar, with two articles having over 50 citations.

He has been teaching at the University of Alicante since 2019 in courses for the Bachelor's degrees in Computer Engineering and Robotics Engineering, as well as the Master's in Data Science. To date, he has co-supervised 13 undergraduate and master's theses. Additionally, he has participated in 4 completed teaching projects and is currently involved in two more, serving as the coordinator of one of these projects.

Most of his research has been linked to research projects such as HISPAMUS (TIN2017-86576-R) and, more recently, MultiScore (part of the PID2020-118447RA-I00 project, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), the most highly funded project to date granted to the research group he belongs to (Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Group at the University of Alicante). He has also participated in other research projects, such as GV/2020/030, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, and DOREMI (TED2021-132103A-I00), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR.

He collaborated for 12 months at McGill University (Montreal, Canada), six of which were funded by the Generalitat Valenciana (CIBEFP/2021/72). During his collaboration, he participated in the "Single Interface for Music Score Searching and Analysis" (SIMSSA) project, one of the most significant projects in the field of music content retrieval, as a coordinator and researcher in the document analysis team under the supervision of Professor Ichiro Fujinaga, one of the leading experts in the research field.

He is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Alicante and a member of the Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Research Group, where he continues his research in artificial intelligence, deep learning, and computer vision, primarily focused on document processing.