José Antonio Caballero is Professor of the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Alicante (Spain).
His research activities has focus on two main areas:
The first one is related with the pyrolysis of organic wastes, specifically in the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic materials. It was develped between 1991 and 1998.
The second one has been carried out since 1998, and it is focused on the development of methodologies and algorithms for the rigorous synthesis and design of chemical processes. Some of the research lines are the following:
Develpment and application Generalized Disjunctive Programming algorithms applied to the synthesis of chemical processes.
Integration of conceptual design and mathematical programming in chemical process systems engineering.
Multiobjectice optimization objective reduction.
Sustainable chemical processes. Integration of economic, environmental (LCA) and social aspects.
Development of hybrid simulation-based and equation based optimization algorithms.
Work and Heat Exchanger Network desing (WHEN)
Synthesis of complex separation systems based on distillation. Divided Wall Columns; Thermally coupled distillation; Hybrid Systems.
Jose A. Caballero has publish more than 100 papers in international journals of recognaiced prestige and he has presented the research results in the main international sympossia.
Since 2013 he is the director of the group COnCEPT (Computer Optimization of Chemical Engineering Processes and Technologies).
His maintains collaborations with different National and International research groups:
Professor Grossmann research group. (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Professor Ravagnani reseach group (Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Brasil)
José Antonio Caballero is Professor of the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Alicante (Spain).
His research activities has focus on two main areas:
The first one is related with the pyrolysis of organic wastes, specifically in the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic materials. It was develped between 1991 and 1998.
The second one has been carried out since 1998, and it is focused on the development of methodologies and algorithms for the rigorous synthesis and design of chemical processes. Some of the research lines are the following:
Develpment and application Generalized Disjunctive Programming algorithms applied to the synthesis of chemical processes.
Integration of conceptual design and mathematical programming in chemical process systems engineering.
Multiobjectice optimization objective reduction.
Sustainable chemical processes. Integration of economic, environmental (LCA) and social aspects.
Development of hybrid simulation-based and equation based optimization algorithms.
Work and Heat Exchanger Network desing (WHEN)
Synthesis of complex separation systems based on distillation. Divided Wall Columns; Thermally coupled distillation; Hybrid Systems.
Jose A. Caballero has publish more than 100 papers in international journals of recognaiced prestige and he has presented the research results in the main international sympossia.
Since 2013 he is the director of the group COnCEPT (Computer Optimization of Chemical Engineering Processes and Technologies).
His maintains collaborations with different National and International research groups:
Professor Grossmann research group. (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Professor Ravagnani reseach group (Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Brasil)