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Research groups
  Studies in Literary Theory, Comparative Literature and Literary Translation Theory (TeLiCom)

General data

Field of study:
+34 965903400 x 3779
+34 96 590 3413

Annual reports

Annual report
  • Classical, traditional and modern Poetics and Rhetoric.
    Study of Poetics and Rhetoric understood as sciences of discourse and its communication and considered as theoretical-methodological spaces in which we can syntactically, semantically and pragmatically —i.e. semiotically— locate and contextualize the reality of the literary text as a structural construction, as a construction of poetic meaning and as a pragmatic construction.
  • Interdiscursive analysis.
    Development of interdiscursive analysis as a theoretical-critical instrument for the description and explanation of rhetorical and literary discursivity, both in the construction of particular texts and in the configuration of historical and current Literary theory and Rhetoric as disciplines.
  • Literary language theory.
    Study of the theoretical-methodological assumptions and the descriptive and explanatory achievements of all those theoretical-literary and critical-literary trends concerned in one way or another with the problem of the construction of the literary text (whether from exclusively linguistic-immanentist points of view, or from linguistic-textual perspectives with semiotic amplitude), covering perfectly the syntactic-semiotic dimension of the literary fact, but also its semantic-semiotic and pragmatic dimensions.
  • Empirical theory of literature.
    Empirical study of the social system of literary actions or system of LITERATURE, i.e. the set of social actions related to the communicative processes of the literary text (production, transmission or mediation, reception and criticism or transformation), in order to extend pragmatically and empirically the object of attention from the literary text to the literary fact.
  • Neurocognitive poetics.
    Application of cognitive studies and neuroaesthetics to the theory and criticism of the literary text, specifically, to the analysis of the gestural and corporal component in the construction of the literary sign, to the establishment of the empathic link and intersubjectivity between the reader and the fictitious characters and to the processes of abstraction with cerebral roots in the information of ideals in literature.
  • Comparative literature.
    Study of Comparative literature and its history, with particular reference to issues such as fictionality, intertextuality, hypertext in the digital era, the nationalist component in literature, the literary canon, otherness and thematology, as well as to the theoretical and critical study of the intersemiotic relations between literature and other arts.
  • Literary translation theory.
    Study of the theories of literary translation from the perspective of their possible interdisciplinary integration with rhetorical theory, on the one hand, and of literary translation as a cultural mechanism within the broad space of globalisation from sociological and intersemiotic points of view, on the other.
  • Hagiographic studies.
    Studies oriented towards the characterisation of the lives of saints as a literary genre in the Middle Ages, its transformation from medieval handwritten methods to printed productions and the analysis of the the peculiarities of Hispanic hagiography in the context of the controversy between Catholics and Protestants.



Services offered

The TeLiCom research group is made up of lecturers and researchers from the Department of Spanish Studies, General Linguistics and Literary Theory of the University of Alicante, as well as from the Autonomous University of Madrid, the University of Oviedo, the University of Bologna in Italy and the University of Bucharest in Romania. For many years, the group’s research activity has focused on the study of some of the fundamental problems of the literary text in particular — or verbal artwork, which is semiotically understood as a structural construction, as a construction of poetic significance and as a pragmatic construction — and the literary fact or literary phenomenon in general. Considering its research lines, this group addresses the following fields of study in a combined and interdisciplinary manner: 1) classical, traditional and modern poetics and rhetoric, which are understood as sciences of discourse and its communication. These disciplines are considered to be theoretical-methodological spaces in which we can syntactically, semantically and pragmatically — that is, semiotically — locate and contextualize the reality of the literary text as a structural construction, as a construction of poetic significance and as a pragmatic construction. 2) Interdiscursive analysis, as a theoretical-critical instrument of analysis, description and explanation of rhetorical and literary discursiveness, both in the construction of particular texts and in the configuration of literary theory and rhetoric (historically and nowadays) as disciplines. 3) Theory of literary language, which is understood as the set of the theoretical-methodological presuppositions and the descriptive and explanatory achievements of all those theoretical-literary and critical-literary trends that address the problem of the construction of the literary text — whether from an exclusively linguistic-immanentist point of view, or from linguistic-textual perspectives that are wide-ranging in terms of semiotic scope. 4) Empirical literary theory, as a theoretical construction for the empirical study of the social system of literary actions or literature system — production, transmission or mediation, reception and criticism or transformation — and which can propose policy measures — applicability — for the improvement of said social system of actions. 5) Neurocognitive poetics, as the application of cognitive studies and neuroaesthetics to literary theory and criticism, specifically, to the analysis of the gestural and corporal component in the construction of the literary sign, to the establishment of the empathic link and intersubjectivity between the reader and the fictitious characters and to the processes of abstraction, rooted in the brain, in the formation of ideals in literature. 6) Comparative literature, with particular reference to such issues as fictionality, intertextuality, hypertext in the digital era, the nationalist component in Spanish literature, the literary canon, otherness, thematology, as well as to the theoretical and critical study of the relations between literature and other arts. 7) Theory of literary translation, in an enriching relationship of interdisciplinary integration with rhetorical theory and from sociological and intersemiotic points of view. 8) Hispanic hagiography, with regard to the characterisation of the lives of saints as a literary genre in the Middle Ages, its transformation from medieval handwritten texts to printed works and, more recently, the peculiarities of Hispanic hagiography in the context of the controversy between Catholics and Protestants.




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Available relevant infrastructure

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  • Project title: La Hagiografía hispánica ante la Reforma protestanteING
    Reference: FFI2017-86248-P
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Starting date: 01/01/2018
    Termination date: 31/12/2021
  • Project title: Realidad y ficción del empoderamiento femenino en los papiros de novela griega y su pervivencia en la cultura occidental: Reinas y guerreras, magas y santas, cortesana y doncellas I.ING
    Reference: AICO/2019/268
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Starting date: 01/01/2019
    Termination date: 31/12/2020
  • Project title: Análisis distante de base computacional del soneto castellano de los Siglos de OroING
    Reference: PR16_HUM_F2_0151
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Starting date: 01/10/2016
    Termination date: 30/09/2018
  • Project title: Literaturas africanas en español. Mediación literaria y hospitalidad poética desde los '90ING
    Reference: FFI2010-21439
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Starting date: 01/01/2011
    Termination date: 31/12/2014
  • Project title: La literatura hagiográfica catalana entre el manuscrito y la imprentaING
    Reference: FFI2013-43927-P
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Starting date: 01/01/2014
    Termination date: 31/12/2016
  • Project title: El Romancero nuevo (1580-1605): estudio teórico y análisis de corpus en el marco de la Retórica CulturalING
    Reference: CIAPOS/2023/342
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Project sponsors: Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo
    Starting date: 15/10/2024
    Termination date: 14/10/2026
  • Project title: IV Encuentro Iberoamericano de Retórica y I Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Retórica: 'Pura Retórica: Tradición y Modernidad en los Estudios del Discurso'ING
    Reference: CIAORG/2023/62
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Project sponsors: Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo
    Starting date: 04/09/2024
    Termination date: 06/09/2024
  • Project title: Estudios de Teoría Literaria, Literatura Comparada y Teoría de la Traducción Literaria (TeLiCom) - VIGROB-210 ING
    Reference: UADIF23-26
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Project sponsors: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
    Starting date: 01/01/2024
    Termination date: 31/12/2024
  • Project title: Estudios de Teoría Literaria, Literatura Comparada y Teoría de la Traducción Literaria (TeLiCom) - VIGROB-210 ING
    Reference: VIGROB23-210
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Project sponsors: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
    Starting date: 01/01/2024
    Termination date: 31/12/2024
  • Project title: La corporalidad de la imaginación: visiones cognitivistas del cuerpo imaginanteING
    Reference: CIGE/2023/175
    Competitive: Yes
    European: No
    Public: Yes
    Project sponsors: Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo
    Starting date: 01/01/2024
    Termination date: 31/12/2025

Publications See search box

  • Title: El cuerpo en el símbolo. Materialidad y percepción en la constitución de lo simbólico y lo poético desde las perspectivas cognitivas de Gilbert Durand, Mark Johnson y Margaret Freeman
    Authors: García-Valero, B.E.
    Journals Archivum (Online)
    Volume: 70
    Pages: 95 - 114
    Date: 2020
    ISSN: 2341-1120
  • Title: El Diálogo de doctrina cristiana como obra apócrifa y otras cautelas de Juan de Valdé
    Authors: Baños Vallejo, F.
    Journals Revista de Filologia Espanola
    Volume: 100
    Pages: 37 - 57
    Date: 2020
    ISSN: 0210-9174
  • Title: The Legacy of János S. Petöfi. Text Linguistic, Literary Theory and Semiotics, de M. Borreguero Zuolaga y L. Vitacolonna (eds.)
    Authors: García-Valero, B.E.
    Journals Journal of Literary Semantics (Online)
    Volume: 49
    Pages: 61 - 64
    Date: 2020
    ISSN: 1613-3838
  • Title: Patri(moni)alización de huesos. La muerte como apropiación nacional
    Authors: Tortosa, V.
    Journals Tropelías. Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada.
    Pages: 186 - 197
    Date: 2018
    ISSN: 1132-2373
  • Title: La Retórica cultural en el contexto de la Neorretórica
    Authors: Chico Rico, Francisco
    Journals Dialogía
    Volume: 9
    Pages: 304 - 322
    Date: 2015
    ISSN: 1819-365X
  • Title: Editorial: Imagination, cognition, and the arts
    Authors: Gambino, Renata; Bermúdez, Víctor; García-Valero, B.E.; Pulvirenti, Grazia
    Journals Frontiers in human neuroscience
    Volume: 18
    Pages: -
    Date: 2024
  • Title: `La saña de María' en los Milagros de Nuestra Señora
    Authors: Baños Vallejo, F.
    Journals Specula. Revista de Humanidades y Espiritualidad
    Volume: 10
    Pages: 39 - 57
    Date: 2024
  • Title: "El fundamento peirceano y la imaginación pragmática para la apertura de las modalidades en la construcción y explicación de los modelos de mundo"
    Authors: Martinez-Ballestrin, R.
    Journals Actio Nova: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada
    Pages: 148 - 173
    Date: 2023
    ISSN: 2530-4437
  • Title: Queerness in science and literature: towards a `naturalization" of the queer in the crossroads of physics, biology, and literary theory
    Authors: García-Valero, B.E.
    Journals Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
    Volume: 48
    Pages: 437 - 445
    Date: 2023
    ISSN: 0308-0188
    DOI: Queerness in science and literature: towards a `naturalization¿ of the queer in the crossroads of physics, biology, and literary theory
  • Title: Una mirada cognitiva al monstruo en la literatura fantástica y la narrativa de lo inusual: empatía y monstrificación del lector 
    Authors: García-Valero, B.E.
    Journals Brumal
    Volume: X
    Pages: 187 - 208
    Date: 2023
    ISSN: 2014-7910
  • Title: La naturaleza de la luz en la magia literaria. Tramas de la física en la literatura fantástica y el realismo mágico
    Authors: García-Valero, B.E.
    Editorial: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante
    Date: 2020
    ISBN: 978-84-9717-668-2
  • Title: Metodología de la investigación científica. Guía para la elaboración del trabajo académico humanístico
    Authors: Tortosa, V.
    Editorial: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante
    Date: 2014
    ISBN: 978-84-9717-294-3
  • Title: Lope de Vega, El Niño Inocente de La Guardia, en Comedias de Lope de Vega, Parte VIII, 3 vols
    Authors: Baños Vallejo, F.
    Editorial: Editorial Milenio
    Date: 2009
    ISBN: 978-84-9743-327-3
  • Title: Pragmática y construcción literaria. Discurso retórico y discurso narrativo
    Authors: Chico Rico, Francisco
    Date: 1988
    ISBN: 84-600-5149-8
  • Title: La magia cuántica de Murakami. Las novelas del autor y la ciencia: ficción, era digital y física cuántica
    Authors: García-Valero, B.E.
    Editorial: Verbum
    Date: 2015
    ISBN: 978-84-9074-254-9
  • Title: Corrientes actuales en los estudios retóricos iberoamericanos
    Authors: Chico Rico, Francisco; Gallor-Guarin, J. O.
    Date: 2024
    ISBN: 978-84-9717-871-6
  • Title: La fosa y el mausoleo del Dr. Albiñana. Memoria cruzada de la represión
    Authors: Tortosa, V.
    Date: 2023
    ISBN: 978-84-1183-193-2
  • Title: Hispanic Hagiography in the Critical Context of the Reformation
    Authors: Baños Vallejo, F.
    Editorial: Brepols
    Date: 2022
    ISBN: 978-2-503-60212-7
    DOI: 10.1484/M.HAG-EB.5.131280
  • Title: M. Ciges Aparicio y la masonería: Juzgado después de asesinado
    Authors: Tortosa, V.
    Date: 2022
    ISBN: ISBN: 978-84-7822-90
  • Title: Una història de titelles
    Authors: Tortosa, V.
    Date: 2022
    ISBN: 978-84-482-6499-4
  • Book chapter title: János S. Petöfi's Linguistic and Textual Theory and the Recovery of the Historical Thinking about Rhetoric
    Authors: Chico Rico, Francisco
    Editorial: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
    Pages: 110 - 131
    Date: 2019
    Book title: The Legacy of János S. Petöfi: Text Linguistics, Literary Theory and Semiotics
  • Book chapter title: La desfamiliarización y la paradoja del suspense en la cognición del texto literario. Derivaciones y posibilidades didácticas
    Authors: García-Valero, B.E.
    Editorial: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (Universidad de Alicante)
    Pages: 199 - 207
    Date: 2019
    Book title: Además de la palabra. Aproximaciones interdisciplinares a los estudios literarios
  • Book chapter title: Ficciones del fin de la Guerra Civil en Alicante
    Authors: Tortosa, V.
    Editorial: Servei de Publicacions Universitat d'Alacant
    Pages: 45 - 61
    Date: 2018
    Book title: Silenci, oblit i preservació de la memòria democràtica. Una aportació interdisciplinària
  • Book chapter title: La ilustración en las primeras ediciones peninsulares del flos sanctorum
    Authors: Baños Vallejo, F.
    Editorial: SEMYR (Seminario de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas)
    Pages: 165 - 182
    Date: 2018
    Book title: Espacios en la Edad Media y el Renacimiento
  • Book chapter title: Translation, style and poetics
    Authors: , Albaladejo Mayordomo, Tomás; Chico Rico, Francisco
    Editorial: Routledge (UK)
    Pages: 115 - 133
    Date: 2018
    Book title: The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture
  • Book chapter title: Beyond the Letter: Rhythm in the Mester de Clerecía
    Authors: Baños Vallejo, F.
    Editorial: Brill
    Pages: 104 - 124
    Date: 2024
    Book title: A Companion to Mester de Clerecía Poetry

  • Book chapter title: Prólogo a Corrientes actuales en los estudios retóricos iberoamericanos
    Authors: Chico Rico, Francisco; Gallor-Guarin, J. O.
    Pages: 11 - 18
    Date: 2024
    Book title: Corrientes actuales en los estudios retóricos iberoamericanos
  • Book chapter title: A mayor gloria: El mito de la muerte en el mausoleo del Dr. Albiñana
    Authors: Tortosa, V.
    Pages: 171 - 199
    Date: 2023
    Book title: La fosa y el mausoleo del Dr. Albiñana. Memoria cruzada de la represión
  • Book chapter title: A Review about the Notion of 'Authorship' within the Framework of Literary Communication: Cognitive, Neurohermeneutic, Poetic and Rhetorical Perspectives
    Authors: Chico Rico, Francisco; García-Valero, B.E.
    Editorial: New Vision University Press
    Pages: 104 - 132
    Date: 2023
    Book title: Rethinking Society. Individuals, Culture and Migration. Vol 4: Cultural Rhetoric. Rhetorical Perspectives, Transferential Insights
  • Book chapter title: Años 30. Los tres estallidos: hacia el abismo con la espiral de violencia
    Authors: Tortosa, V.
    Pages: 39 - 93
    Date: 2023
    Book title: La fosa y el mausoleo del Dr. Albiñana. Memoria cruzada de la represión
  • Title: La verdad de lo increíble en el flos sanctorum, con un apunte iconográfico
    Authors: Baños Vallejo, F.
    Type of participation: Ponencia invitada
    Conference name: IX Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 04/09/2024
  • Title: Experiencing Zhi: Emotion and cognition in literary creation viewed from ancient Chinese literary theory
    Authors: García-Valero, B.E.
    Type of participation: Ponencia
    Conference name: Cognitive Futures in The Arts and Humanities - 10th Annual Conference. From 4E to 5E Cognition: about Emotions
    Event type: Europeo
    City of performance: Catania (ITALIA)
    Date of performance: 03/06/2024
  • Title: Monstrificar el cuerpo: técnicas de la pedagogía corporeizada para la lectura de lo fantástico
    Authors: García-Valero, B.E.
    Type of participation: Ponencia invitada
    Conference name: Excesos del corpus barroco La expresión americana y la cultura del barroco internacional
    Event type: Europeo
    City of performance: Padua (ITALIA)
    Date of performance: 28/05/2024
  • Title: El hueco asiático: la vía hacia la vacuidad en cosmovisiones y estéticas asiáticas
    Authors: García-Valero, B.E.
    Type of participation: Ponencia
    Conference name: I Seminario Abisal Margen "Poéticas del vacío"
    Event type: Nacional
    City of performance: Zaragoza (ZARAGOZA) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 09/05/2024
  • Title: Modos de inserción de las Historias apócrifas en los flores sanctorum castellanos
    Authors: Baños Vallejo, F.
    Type of participation: Comunicación
    Conference name: La invención de la prosa literaria: historiografía, hagiografía y ficción en la tradición de Alfonso X
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: Salamanca (SALAMANCA) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 10/04/2024
  • Title: Acerca de la historia y las claves modernas de la retórica en las tradiciones española, lusa y latinoamericana
    Authors: Chico Rico, Francisco
    Type of participation: Ponencia invitada
    Conference name: I Congreso Internacional Red de Investigación Iberoamericana de Teoría y Estudios Literarios (REDITEL): La literatura y sus caracterizaciones teóricas en Iberoamérica
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: Malaga (MÁLAGA) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 27/11/2023
  • Title: "Desmemoria,olvido y amnesia histórica. Un peligroso juego ideológico"
    Authors: Tortosa, V.
    Type of participation: Comunicación
    Conference name: IXé Seminari Internacional d'Història i Poètiques de la Memòria (HISPONE): Stolpersteine/Pedres de memòria per a desprès d'una guerra
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: Alicante/ Alacant (ALICANTE/ALACANT) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 22/11/2023
  • Title: Discurso retórico y obra literaria: a propósito de las relaciones analógicas e interdiscursivas entre Oratoria y Literatura
    Authors: Chico Rico, Francisco
    Type of participation: Ponencia invitada
    Conference name: VI Congreso Internacional de Retórica e Interdisciplina y VII Congreso Nacional de Retórica "Retórica y poder"
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: Mendoza (ARGENTINA)
    Date of performance: 13/09/2023
  • Title: Hagiógrafos postridentinos, o cómo ser a la vez reformista y contrarreformista
    Authors: Baños Vallejo, F.
    Type of participation: Ponencia invitada
    Conference name: Coloquio Internacional Constelación de Santos. Universidad de Zaragoza
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: Zaragoza (ZARAGOZA) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 13/09/2023
  • Title: Motivos y personajes de la novela griega en su enlace con la literatura universal: un enfoque cognitivo
    Authors: García-Valero, B.E.
    Type of participation: Ponencia
    Conference name: XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos
    Event type: Internacional
    City of performance: Salamanca (SALAMANCA) (ESPAÑA)
    Date of performance: 17/07/2023