Title: 3D code for MAgneto-Thermal evolution in Isolated Neutron Stars, MATINS: thermal evolution and light curves
Authors: Ascenzi, Stefano; , Viganò, D.; Dehman, C. ; Pons, J. A.; , Rea, Nanda; , Perna, R.
Journals Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Volume: 533
Pages: 201 - 224
Date: 2024
ISSN: 0035-8711
Title: A static and spherically symmetric hairy black hole in the framework of the Gravitational Decoupling
Authors: Bargueño, P.
Journals Fortschritte der Physik
Pages: -
Date: 2023
ISSN: 0015-8208
Title: Gravitational Decoupling as a Generator of Curvature and Matter Distribution
Authors: Bargueño, P.
Journals Fortschritte der Physik
Pages: -
Date: 2023
ISSN: 0015-8208
Title: How bright can old magnetars be? Assessing the impact of magnetized envelopes and field topology on neutron star cooling
Authors: Dehman, C. ; Pons, J. A.; , Viganò, D.; , Rea, Nanda
Journals Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Volume: 520
Pages: L42 - L47
Date: 2023
ISSN: 0035-8711
Title: Modelling force-free neutron star magnetospheres using physics-informed neural networks
Authors: Urbán, Jorge; Stefanou, P. ; Dehman, C. ; Pons, J. A.
Journals Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Volume: 524
Pages: 32 - 42
Date: 2023
ISSN: 0035-8711
Title: Nariai-like black holes in light of scale-dependent gravity
Authors: Bargueño, P.
Journals European Physical Journal C
Pages: -
Date: 2023
ISSN: 1434-6044
Title: Solving the pulsar equation using physics-informed neural networks
Authors: Stefanou, P. ; Urban-Gutierrez, J. F. ; Pons, J. A.
Journals Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Volume: 526
Pages: 1504 - 1511
Date: 2023
ISSN: 0035-8711
Title: 3D evolution of neutron star magnetic fields from a realistic core-collapse turbulent topology
Authors: Dehman, C. ; , Viganò, D.; Ascenzi, Stefano; Pons, J. A.; , Rea, Nanda
Journals Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Volume: 523
Pages: 5198 - 5206
Date: 2023
ISSN: 0035-8711
Title: Dynamical tides in superfluid neutron stars
Authors: , Passamonti, Andrea; Andersson, Nils; Pantelis Pnigouras
Journals Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Volume: 514
Pages: 1494 - 1510
Date: 2022
ISSN: 0035-8711
Title: Modelling 3D force-free neutron star magnetospheres
Authors: Stefanou, Petros; Pons, J. A.; , Cerdá-Durán, P.
Journals Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Volume: 518
Pages: 6390 - 6400
Date: 2022
ISSN: 0035-8711
Title: Astronomía fundamental
Authors: , Martinez, V.J.; Miralles, J. A.; , Marco, E.; , Galadí-Enríquez, D.
Editorial: Servei de Publicacions Universitat de València
Date: 2005
ISBN: 84-370-6104-0
Title: Astronomia Fonamental
Authors: , Martinez, V.J.; Miralles, J. A.; , Marco, E.
Editorial: Servei de Publicacions Universitat de València
Date: 2001
ISBN: 84-370-5127-4
Title: The Geroch-Held-Penrose Calculus
Fundamentals and Applications
Authors: Bargueño, P.
Date: 2023
Title: Saturation of the f-mode instability in neutron stars
Authors: Pantelis Pnigouras
Date: 2018
ISBN: 9783319982588
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-98258-8
Book chapter title: Asignaturas del Primer Curso de la Licenciatura en Química
Authors: Santiago, J.M.; Grané, N.; Torregrosa Maciá, R.; MARTINEZ ESCANDELL, MANUEL; Vázquez-Picó, J.L.; González-García, J.; Montiel, V.; Orts, J.M. Feliu; Mancheño-Magán, B.; Hernandis, V.; Mora, J.; Todolí, J.L.; Pardo, M.; Miralles, J. A.; Segura, L.; Mediero Almendros M
Editorial: Marfil
Pages: 1 - 30
Date: 2006
Book title: El Modelo Docente en la Universidad. Investigaciones Colegiadas
Title: Inferring the dense nuclear matter equation of state with neutron star tides
Authors: Pantelis Pnigouras
Type of participation:
Conference name: SPINS-UK conference
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
(REINO UNIDO (Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte))
Date of performance: 02/11/2022
Title: Inferring the dense nuclear matter equation of state with neutron star tides
Authors: Pantelis Pnigouras
Type of participation:
Conference name: INFN-TEONGRAV annual meeting
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 21/07/2022
Title: Inferring the dense nuclear matter equation of state with neutron star tides
Authors: Pantelis Pnigouras
Type of participation:
Conference name: 23rd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 03/07/2022
Title: Inferring the dense nuclear matter equation of state with neutron star tides
Authors: Pantelis Pnigouras
Type of participation:
Conference name: Neutron stars as multimessenger laboratories for dense matter
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 20/06/2022
Title: Magnetothermal evolution of magnetars.
Authors: Pons, J. A.
Type of participation:
Ponencia invitada
Conference name: JINA-INT workshop on neutron star cooling
Event type: Internacional
City of performance: Seattle
Date of performance: 14/02/2022
Title: Inferring the dense nuclear matter equation of state with neutron star tides
Authors: Pantelis Pnigouras
Type of participation:
Conference name: IAU Symposium 363 - Neutron Star Astrophysics at the Crossroads: Magnetars and the Multimessenger Revolution
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 29/11/2021
Title: Inferring the dense nuclear matter equation of state with neutron star tides
Authors: Pantelis Pnigouras
Type of participation:
Conference name: NEB-19: Recent Developments in Gravity
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 20/09/2021
Title: Inferring the dense nuclear matter equation of state with neutron star tides
Authors: Pantelis Pnigouras
Type of participation:
Ponencia invitada
Conference name: A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum 2021
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 02/08/2021
Title: Gravitational-wave-driven tidal secular instability in neutron star binaries
Authors: Pantelis Pnigouras
Type of participation:
Conference name: 15th Hellenic Astronomical Conference
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 05/07/2021
Title: Neutron stars as fundamental physics laboratories: the crucial role of magnetic fields and plasma physics
Authors: Pons, J. A.
Type of participation:
Ponencia invitada
Conference name: 47th Conference on Plasma Physics of the European Physical Society
Event type: Internacional
City of performance:
Date of performance: 21/06/2021