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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum
Vizcaya Moreno, Maria Flores

Personal data

Tel. No.
+34 965903400 x 2120
Tel. No.
+34 965903400 x 3518

Current professional activity


Academic background

    Centro de Estudios de Doctorado y Posgrado (11/10/2005)
  • Licenciada en Antropología Social y Cultural.
    Universidad Miguel Hernández. (30/06/2001)
  • Educación y Formación a Distancia a Través de Redes Digitales: Recursos y Servicios de Internet (60 hrs.)
    UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA (20/07/2000)
  • Especialista Universitaria en Enfermería Nefrourológica.
    Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Alicante (20/05/1998)
  • Salud Pública y Educación para la Salud (260 hrs.)
    Instituto Canario de Estudios y Promoción Social y Sanitaria (30/09/1997)
  • Cuidados Paliativos (110 hrs.)
    Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Alicante (27/06/1997)
  • Diplomada Universitaria en Enfermería.
    Universidad de Alicante. (30/06/1995)

Dr M. Flores Vizcaya-Moreno has been an Associate Professor in the Department of Nursing of the University of Alicante since 2002. PhD from the University of Alicante, 2005. Graduate in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Miguel Hernández University, 2001. Specialist in Nephrourology Nursing (1997) and Diploma in Nursing (1995) from the University of Alicante.
She is the director of the Clinical Nursing Research Group at the University of Alicante. Member of the "Innovation in Nursing Care" research group of the Alicante Institute of Health and Biomedical Research (ISABIAL). Member of the University Institute for Computer Research at the University of Alicante. Member of the European Academy of Nursing Science. She is currently the Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Health Sciences at the University of Alicante.
She has participated as principal investigator or collaborating investigator in 37 research projects financed by international and national entities. She has experience in 6 non-competitive R+D+i contracts projects with public or private entities/administrations. She is the author of more than 70 articles published in international and national scientific journals, 34 of them published in JCR journals (7 in D1, 12 in Q1, 8 in Q2, 6 in Q3 and 1 in Q4). The articles by this co-author have 474 JCR (Publons) citations, 586 SCOPUS citations and 2579 Google Scholar citations (h index=25; i10 index=65) (data January 2023).
She has supervised 11 doctoral theses (Cum Laude) and 19 TFG and TFM projects. She is currently supervising 12 doctoral candidates. She is the author of 3 monographs and 65 book chapters. She has participated in national and international congresses, conferences, seminars and scientific symposiums as the author of more than 90 contributions (lectures, communications, posters).
She has been invited as a speaker/panelist at international webinars and multiplier-events by the European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Associations & OMS-Europe & the European Federation of Nurses Associations (January 2023); the European Federation of Nurses Associations and the European Federation of Educators in Nursing Science (June 2021). She has completed an international pre-doctoral research stay at Northumbria University, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Education in the UK (1999, 6 months). Between 2001 and 2020, she made research stays-visits to the University of California (USA), Karolinska Institute (Sweden), Northumbria University (UK), University of Genoa (Italy), Ostfold University College (Norway), University of Eastern Finland (Finland), University of Maribor (Slovenia), University of Oulu (Finland), Age Concern Birmingham (UK).