Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Alicante (since 2018). Doctor and graduate in Sociology (2004 and 1998 respectively). Master’s Degree in Public Health from the Miguel Hernández University (2005). Vice Dean of Research, Postgraduate Studies and Internationalisation of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Alicante since 2016. Head of the Equility Unit of University of Alicante (from 2021). Vicepresidente and President of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (2012-2018). Member of the Spanish Centre for Biomedical Research Networking (CIBER) in Epidemiology and Public Health since 2006. Principal investigator of more than thirty national and European projects. Her research activity focuses mostly on the study of social inequalities in health by gender, migratory or ethnic status, age, among others. A noteworthy aspect is her dedication to the issue of gender violence from the perspective of public health, consolidated with her participation and leadership in different national and European projects. She has more than two hundred scientific publications of recognised quality, with three 6-year research and 1-year transference activity periods accredited by the Spanish National Committee for Research Activity Evaluation. In October 2019, she was awarded as Honory Doctor (Doctor Honoris Causa) by the Faculty of Medicine of Umëa University (Sweden).
Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Alicante (since 2018). Doctor and graduate in Sociology (2004 and 1998 respectively). Master’s Degree in Public Health from the Miguel Hernández University (2005). Vice Dean of Research, Postgraduate Studies and Internationalisation of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Alicante since 2016. Head of the Equility Unit of University of Alicante (from 2021). Vicepresidente and President of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (2012-2018). Member of the Spanish Centre for Biomedical Research Networking (CIBER) in Epidemiology and Public Health since 2006. Principal investigator of more than thirty national and European projects. Her research activity focuses mostly on the study of social inequalities in health by gender, migratory or ethnic status, age, among others. A noteworthy aspect is her dedication to the issue of gender violence from the perspective of public health, consolidated with her participation and leadership in different national and European projects. She has more than two hundred scientific publications of recognised quality, with three 6-year research and 1-year transference activity periods accredited by the Spanish National Committee for Research Activity Evaluation. In October 2019, she was awarded as Honory Doctor (Doctor Honoris Causa) by the Faculty of Medicine of Umëa University (Sweden).