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Academic background

  • Doctorado en Ciencias Matemáticas
    Centro de Estudios de Doctorado y Posgrado (14/05/1999)
  • Licenciatura en Ciencias Matemáticas
    Universidad de Salamanca (21/06/1995)


Isabel Vigo graduated in Mathematics from University of Salamanca in 1995, and received a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from University of Alicante (UA) in 1999 working in Celestial Mechanics on the integrability of the satellite problem. Since 2001 she has been associate professor in the Applied Mathematics Department at UA. Her doctoral training has been complemented through several postdoc stages at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, in the Space Geodesy Division. During these stages she has been working with NASA research teams on several Space Geodesy problems in the framework of international Earth Observation Programs. This has been fundamental on her career, allowing her in a few years to create and lead a research group at University of Alicante, pioneer in Spain in various applications of Space Geodesy, currently named Satellite Geodesy for Earth Observation and Climate Studies. Since then, Space Geodesy has become her main area of research. In the last 25 years she has accumulated a large research experience in this field working on Positioning, Sea Level at regional and global scales, Mass Variations, Geoid Determination and Ocean Circulation using different geodetic techniques which include Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), GPS, Satellite Altimetry, Tide Gauges, and Satellite Gravity (from GOCE and GRACE satellite mission). This research includes contributions also to the mathematical and statistical methods and tools necessary for the analysis of data, filtering techniques, estimation of errors, etc.

She has participated in more than 40 research projects (regional, national, and from Space Agencies as ESA, NASA, ISRO, and other international organizations), being Coordinator, Principal Investigator(PI), or Co-PI since 2004. She has participated as member of scientific teams of international space missions associated with the launch of Earth Observation satellites. And since 2020, she is member of the Spanish Commission of Geodesy and Geophysics (CEGG) in the Geodesy Section.

The main results of her research are described in more than 50 publications, distributed mainly between conference proceedings and SCI journals, and have been presented in more than 100 communications in international congresses. She has acted as an evaluator in competitive international calls (NASA/CNES), and has served as guest editor in special issues of SCI Journals (JCR/Q1). She has also served as a reviewer for several JCR journals, as well as for the publications of the International Association of Geodesy Symposia series.

She participates in the PhD Program Mathematical Methods and Modelling in Sciences and Engineering at the University of Alicante, in which she is coordinator of the Space Geodesy and Global Change research line. In addition, since 2014 she has held the position of Secretary of the Academic Commission of the Program, and since 2017 she is also Coordinator of the Program's Quality Commission.