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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum

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Academic background

  • Doctor en Ciencias de la Salud
    Universidad de Alicante (17/12/2010)
  • Máster Internacional de Medicina Humanitaria
  • Especialista Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública
    Ministerio de Educación (01/01/2003)
  • Máster en Salud Pública y Gestión de los Servicios Sanitarios
  • Máster en Economía de la Salud y Gestión de los Servicios Sanitarios
  • Diplomado en Epidemiología
    Universidad de Valencia (01/01/1986)
  • Diplomado en Sanidad
    Escuela Nacional de Sanidad en la Escuela Departamental de Valencia (01/01/1984)
  • Grado de Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía
    University Alicante (01/01/1982)
  • Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía
    Universidad de Valencia (01/01/1980)

José Vicente Tuells Hernández, MD in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Valencia, PhD in Health Sciences and PhD Special Award from the University of Alicante. Specialist in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. Connected to the University of Alicante since 1984 as an collaborating professor, associate lecturer, senior lecturer and as full professor  (research profile: vaccines and social vaccinology). 

He has held several positions in the regional administration as a civil servant at the Regional Department of Health (1981-2005): Head of the Health Promotion Division, Director of the Public Health Area, Director of the AIDS Information and Prevention Centre. Secondment as a civil servant to the Spanish Ministry of Health (2005-2010). Head of Service at the Alicante International Vaccination Centre. As a specialist doctor in Preventive Medicine at the Vinalopó University Hospital, Elche (2010-2018): Head of the Preventive Medicine Service, Senior consultant on Research and Preventive Medicine.

Member of various research groups: Balmis research group in Community Health and History of Science, University of Alicante; interuniversity research group (UMH, UV, UA, UCLM) in the History of Poliomyelitis in Spain in the 20th century; research group “VACSATC (Vaccine, Safety, Attitudes, Training and Communication)”, supported by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO, 2006-2009); associate researcher in FISABIO’s Vaccines Area; researcher of the Gadea group in Advanced Studies of the History of Health and Medicine, Miguel Hernández University (UMH); and of the research group “France, Amériques, Espagne– Sociétés, pouvoirs, acteurs. FRAMESPA” (UMR 5136, University of Toulouse–Jean Jaurès and CNRS). He has been part of the EU-JAV Research Group (European Joint Action on Vaccination)”, supported by the European Commission, DG SANCO (2018-2021). Researcher at the Infectious Diseases Research Group at ISABIAL (Alicante Health and Biomedical Research Institute) (2021-).

In 2011 he was appointed director of the UA-FISABIO joint research group of the Balmis Research Chair in Vaccinology; the group became a UA institutional research chair called Balmis Research Chair in Vaccinology, which he has directed since 2014. Recipient of several research awards, including: award from the Valencia Region Government in the field of drug and other addictions in 1998 (Awards for Prevention in Schools, Valencia, 1998); Profesor Rey Calero Award 2009 from the Spanish Royal Academy of Medicine (RANM), Madrid, January 2010; Valencia Region Royal Academy of Medicine (RAMC) Award 2010 and appointment as a corresponding member of the RAMCV, Valencia, 2010; Dr Balmis Foundation Award from Alicante’s Rotary Club, May 2013; Dr Pedro Alonso Carrión Award from the Murcia Region Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery (RAMEMUR) and appointment as a corresponding member of the RAMEMUR, Murcia, 2014; Roël Award from the Valencian Medical Institute (IMV) and appointment as an honorary fellow of the IMV, Valencia, 2016. Appointment as Corresponding Academician of the Royal National Academy of Medicine (RANM), 2022. Corresponding Academic in History and Philosophy of Medicine, National Academy of Medicine of Mexico (ANMM), 2022. Editor-in-Chief of the Revista Española de Salud Pública (2023-2024).