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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum
Tortosa Garrigos, Virgilio Alberto

Personal data

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Current professional activity

Academic background

  • Doctor en Filología Española
    Facultad de Filología (09/01/1999)
  • Licenciado en Filología Hispánica
    Facultad de Filología (31/07/1991)

PhD in Spanish Studies from the University of Valencia, where he received the PhD Special Award (2001). Senior lecturer in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature at the University of Alicante since 1999. 

He has lectured at a variety of institutions, participated in summer courses (Alicante, Jaca, Barbastro) and courses in teacher training, submitted papers and delivered lectures at a wide range of seminars and conferences in the fields of literature and literary theory, and he has also taken part in various poetry events. He has given presentations on specialised professional sectors (theatre and dance, literature theorists, literary critics, publishing). He has been a visiting lecturer at the universities of Aberdeen, Scotland; Sheffield, England; and the National University of the Littoral, Santa Fe, Argentina.