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Current professional activity


Academic background

  • Historia Económica
    Universitat de Barcelona - Universidad Carlos III (18/10/2019)
  • Historia Económica
    Universitat de Barcelona (01/10/2015)
  • Economía
    Universitat de Barcelona (15/09/2014)

Since November 2015 to October 2019 I was a predoctoral fellow in the Department of Economic History, Institutions, Policy and World Economy at the University of Barcelona. I was awarded three different scholarships (Universitat de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya and Ministerio de Educación) to do my PhD. My thesis obtained Excellent Cum Laude and International PhD. From February 2016 I have also been accepted as a member of the Antoni de Capmany Research Centre, a national centre for economic history at the University of Barcelona. I was council member of this research centre until September 2019. From 2018 to 2019 I also was Economic History Society ambassador. I have been lecturer at ESIC Business&Marketing School (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) and Euncet (UPC).

My PhD research was focused on Spain and the classical gold standard: causes and consequences of having a flexible exchange in an international context based on a fixed exchange rate monetary system, the gold standard, between 1870-1913. So far, my research has focussed on the economic growth consequences of Spain not joining the classical gold standard (comparing, also, Spain and Italy). As a related topic, I am now studying the changing relationship between Spanish fiscal and monetary policies in 1870-1913 following what Zaragoza’s research group on monetary history studied some years before. The era of globalization in the 19th century is particularly relevant today in macroeconomic terms, considering the directions taken by countries like the US or the UK during the second globalization. I am also working on industrial and business history from 1870 until today.

I have two articles published in Scopus Q1 (2017) and Q2 (2019) History and one article in JCR (Q1). I followed a course on Macroeconometrics in 2016 at the University of Cambridge. I have presented in the most relevant conferences related to Economic History like the 2018 Annual Cliometric Society Conference in Florida (USA), the Economic History Society Annual Conference in the UK (2017 and 2018), XIX World Economic History Congress at the MIT in 2018 (USA). I gave two seminars at the University of York while I was visiting scholar in 2017. Moreover, I have also been selected to participated in important national conferences such as Iberometrics in 2017 (Pamplona), Jornada doctoral organized by Spanish Economic History Association International Congress in 2017 (Salamanca) and the VII Encuentro de la Historia Económica organized by Spanish Economic History Association obtaining travel grants for each conference. I have been invited to give seminars by University of Zaragoza (Dpto. de Estructura e Historia Económica y Economía Pública) and University Carlos III of Madrid (Dpto. de Ciencias Sociales).