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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum
Pueo Ortega, Basilio

Personal data

Tel. No.
+34 965903400 x 2501

Current professional activity

No data.

Academic background

  • Doctor Ingeniero de Telecomunicación
    Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (02/09/2008)
  • Ingeniero de Telecomunicación
    Universidad Miguel Hernández (28/07/2004)
  • Ingeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación, Sonido e Imagen
    Escuela Politécnica Superior de Gandía (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) (23/01/1997)

Basilio Pueo Ortega holds a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia since 2008. His research is developed in the field of audiovisual technology and instrumentation applied to sports science. His scientific career began in 2003, when he joined the working team of the first project of the National R&D Plan of the five in which he has participated uninterruptedly to date: TIC2003-06841-C02-02, TEC2006-13883-C04-01, TEC2009-14414-C03-01, TEC2012-37945-C02-01 and TEC2015-68076-R, covering a period of 15 years (2003-2018). As a result of this research, he developed a new electromechanical transduction technology as a fundamental element of distributed-mode planar loudspeakers, generating a large number of publications in peer-reviewed journals. As a consequence of the work accumulated during the first two projects, he defended his Doctoral Thesis with an Apto Cum Laude qualification in the Communications program of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, a program with a mention of quality from the Ministry. In addition to these five consecutive projects of the National R&D Plan with a stable work team, he has participated in other research projects promoted by the University of Alicante and by the Generalitat Valenciana, both as the lead investigator