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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum
Osorio Rauld, Nelson Alejandro

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Current professional activity

Academic background

  • Doctor en Sociología
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid (19/11/2019)

PDI Department of Sociology II of the University of Alicante. PhD in Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid (Cum Laude, 2020). Master in Social Sciences from the University of Chile (approved with highest distinction) and sociologist from the University of Arts and Social Sciences (University Memorist Award granted by the (H) Cámara de Diputados de Chile). He taught at the University of Santiago de Chile and the University of Arts and Social Sciences. He has co-authored with Tomás Moulian the book Tiempos Modernos. Fragmentos de historia del Chile contemporáneo (1891-1990) and co-edited the books Democracia y Antagonismos en el Chile contemporáneo and Los Límites de la Sociología. In 2013 he published his book Discursos progresistas y conservadores en la élite política chilena, the result of a research work awarded by the Chilean Congress and by the Vicerrectoría de la Universidad de Artes y Ciencias Sociales. He is currently secretary of the Revista de Ciencias Sociales Ambos Mundos (ESP), member of the research group Criteri - Socioeconomia, crítica i territori (UA) and of the Grupo de investigación de Política y Sociedad (UCM-UNED). He is also PDI of the Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Social y Paz, IUDESP and the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Sociales de América Latina, IUESAL, institution where he carried out his postdoctoral research between 2020 and 2021. His areas of interest are elites (630902), cultural sociology (6301), political ideologies (5903), political behaviour (611414), political sociology (5906) and general sociology (6303).
Address: Carretera San Vicente del Raspeig s/n
03690 San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante
Office: P1-039
TF: +34 96 590 38 63