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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum

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Current professional activity

Academic background

    Escuela de Doctorado (10/06/2016)
  • Máster en Educación y Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación
    Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Alicante (01/10/2010)
  • Llicenciat en Psicologia
    Universitat Miguel Hernàndez (16/06/2004)

Dr. Ignasi Navarro Soria. Associate Professor at the University of Alicante since 2008. He has taught in the Degrees of Teaching, Psychopedagogy and Social Work. He began his professional development as a School Psychologist, working for 10 school years in the Municipal Psychological Office of El Campello, intervening as a school counselor in the 4 public schools of the municipality. He then worked for 2 years as a specialist psychologist in the specific attention team of the European School of Alicante, in the "Learning Support" program. Simultaneous these tasks collaborating with the Drug Addiction Prevention team of the Alicante City Council, giving workshops in practically all the Secondary Education centers of the city. From this broad stage, in which he mainly develops his professional work in educational centers, a strong interest in learning difficulties arises, specifically in ADHD and ASD. Closed this period, for a little ove! r a year, he intervenes as a psychologist in the publicly managed Child Protection Centers "El Teix" in Alcoi and "Les Rotes" in Denia, where he comes into direct contact on a professional level, for the first time. , with minors at risk of social exclusion. From this experience, he jumps to the Foster Care Program of the Province of Alicante, in which he has worked as a psychologist for 9 years, which is why he initiates research in this field. Currently, since the end of 2021, he works full time as a teacher and researcher at the University of Alicante.