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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum
Monllor Satoca, Damian

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Current professional activity


Academic background

  • Doctor en Ciencia de Materiales
    Universidad de Alicante (13/07/2010)
    Centro de Estudios de Doctorado y Posgrado (13/07/2010)
  • Licenciado en Química
    University Alicante (17/09/2003)
  • Bachelor of Science with Honours in Pure Chemistry - 1st class
    University of Strathclyde (09/07/2003)

Damián Monllor-Satoca holds since 2003 a double BSc Honours in Chemistry from the University of Alicante (Alicante, Spain) and the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK), the latter being awarded through an Erasmus Fellowship and with a "1st class honours" mention; in 2010 he obtained a PhD in Materials Science from the University of Alicante. As a PhD Fellow, he was funded by a competitive Spanish grant ("Formación de Personal Investigador" -FPI-) and he did a 6 month doctoral stay in South Korea at the Pohang University of Science and Technology. His PhD thesis was graded as excellent "cum laude" and was awarded the "San Alberto Magno" Prize for the Best PhD Thesis in Chemical Research from the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry. Right after, he moved back to South Korea as a junior postdoctoral researcher (for 24 months); therein, aside from his research duties, he delivered an invited one semester lecture-type class (PhD program on Environmental Engineering). After returning to Spain, he was hired in 2013 as a tenure-track senior postdoctoral researcher (for 28 months) at the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) in Barcelona. In 2014 he was positively assessed by the Catalan agency of university quality assurance, obtaining his research accreditation as Associate Professor. In 2015 he was awarded with the prestigious Spanish "Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación" Research Fellowship. Later that year, he gained a Lecturer position at the University Ramon Llull (IQS School of Engineering) in Barcelona (for 40 months). In 2019, he moved to the University of Alicante as Senior Researcher and was positively assessed both as Assistant and Associate Professor from the Spanish Agency of Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).


He has published 35 articles in international, peer-reviewed journals, including 1 review; one of his papers received the second award in the 2016 Postdoc-Mestrelab SusChem Spain Prize. All his published work has received 1400+ citations (excluding self-citations) and his h-factor is 20. In addition, he has co-authored 45 contributions to peer-reviewed conferences, including 18 oral presentations and 4 invited talks and seminars. He has also published 11 articles in university teaching research and innovation books. He has participated in 14 Spanish projects (one of them as PI), 1 European FP7 project (as deputy project manager, co-PM) and 4 Korean projects. From 2006 to 2010 he took part on a research cooperation network (COST Action), co-organizing its 2010 meeting, and in 2013 attended an invited workshop on artificial photosynthesis sponsored by the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA); moreover, he actively participated in the outreach activities of a European FP7 project during 2013 and 2014. He performed transfer activities in 1 industry-funded contract (with 1 filed International patent). Finally, he presently serves as project referee for the Colombian Observatory of Science and Technology, the Spanish Agency of Innovation Certification and the European Commission (H2020 Framework Programme). To date, he has supervised 20 (under)graduate students, postdocs and visiting researchers.