V Climent completed his education (MSc) in the University of Alicante (1996), where he also did his PhD under the supervision of Professors Juan Feliu and Antonio Aldaz (2000). Then, he moved to the University of Oxford (UK), where he was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship, under the supervision of Professor Richard Compton (2001-2002). After two years in Oxford, he returned to the University of Alicante with a return Marie Curie Fellowship, to later obtain a position under the prestigious Spanish program ‘Ramon y Cajal’. He obtained the position of ‘Profesor Titular’ (Associated Professor) in 2007 and the full professorship in 2017.
The main research interest is the investigation of the relationship between the structure of the electrode surface, its composition and its electrochemical reactivity. For this purpose a very fundamental approach is employed, based on the use of well-defined electrode surfaces (platinum and gold single crystal electrodes) to stablish the relationship between the interfacial properties and the reactivity. A second research interest is in the fields of bioelectrochemistry and bioelectrocatalysis, again under a fundamental approach using model electrochemical systems.
More than 100 publications with a total number of citations higher than 3600 (h-index:37) and several book chapters (Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, Electroanalytical Chemistry, A series of Advances, Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering, etc).
Honorary Theme Co-editor of the Topic “Electrochemistry” for the 'Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems'. www.eolss.net.
Guest editor of the volume Surface Electrochemistry of Current Opinion in Electrochemistry.
Guest editor of one special issue (in honour to Prof. Antonio Aldaz) of the J. Electroanal.Chem.
B.Sc. Spanish National Award, for the top first in Chemistry in Spain, 1995
V Climent completed his education (MSc) in the University of Alicante (1996), where he also did his PhD under the supervision of Professors Juan Feliu and Antonio Aldaz (2000). Then, he moved to the University of Oxford (UK), where he was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship, under the supervision of Professor Richard Compton (2001-2002). After two years in Oxford, he returned to the University of Alicante with a return Marie Curie Fellowship, to later obtain a position under the prestigious Spanish program ‘Ramon y Cajal’. He obtained the position of ‘Profesor Titular’ (Associated Professor) in 2007 and the full professorship in 2017.
The main research interest is the investigation of the relationship between the structure of the electrode surface, its composition and its electrochemical reactivity. For this purpose a very fundamental approach is employed, based on the use of well-defined electrode surfaces (platinum and gold single crystal electrodes) to stablish the relationship between the interfacial properties and the reactivity. A second research interest is in the fields of bioelectrochemistry and bioelectrocatalysis, again under a fundamental approach using model electrochemical systems.
More than 100 publications with a total number of citations higher than 3600 (h-index:37) and several book chapters (Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, Electroanalytical Chemistry, A series of Advances, Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering, etc).
Honorary Theme Co-editor of the Topic “Electrochemistry” for the 'Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems'. www.eolss.net.
Guest editor of the volume Surface Electrochemistry of Current Opinion in Electrochemistry.
Guest editor of one special issue (in honour to Prof. Antonio Aldaz) of the J. Electroanal.Chem.
B.Sc. Spanish National Award, for the top first in Chemistry in Spain, 1995