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Curriculum breve

Brief curriculum

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Academic background

  • Doctor en Ciencias Químicas
    Universidad de Alicante (01/04/1987)
  • Licenciado en Ciencias Químicas
    University Alicante (10/07/1981)

Miguel-Ángel Climent obtained his University Degree in Chemistry (Graduation Honorary Award of the academic year 1981-1982), and received his PhD in Chemistry (Doctorate Honorary Award of the academic year 1986-1987). He is now a Full-Professor in the area of Construction Engineering at the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Alicante (UA), being at the same time the head of the research group on “Durability of Materials and Constructions in Engineering and Architecture”.

He fulfilled duties as Vice-Dean of the Technical School of Public Works Engineering and Polytechnic School of Alicante, both belonging to the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He was also the Secretary of the Civil Engineering Department of UA and the Coordinator of the PhD Programme on “Materials, Structures and Geotechnics Engineering: Sustainable Construction”.

After an initial formation in basic and applied electrochemistry during the pre-doc and beginning of the post-doc phase (at the research group of Prof. Dr. Antonio Aldaz), his research activity has focused on the durability of construction materials and structures, with especial emphasis in corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete, ionic transport processes through concrete, electrochemical techniques for prevention and protection against corrosion of steel in concrete, sustainability in construction and the use of nonlinear ultrasonic techniques for the early and non-destructive detection of damage induced by steel corrosion in concrete. He has obtained recognition by UA of six periods of five years (overall 30 years) of quality teaching. Besides, the Spanish State Research Agency has recognized to him six periods of 6 years (overall 36 years) of quality in research and technology transfer. Up to march 2022 he has published 93 scientific articles (Web of Science), more than 100 communications to Congresses and Conferences, and he has supervised 9 PhD thesis, being one more underway. He has participated in 22 competitively funded research projects, having been the head researcher in 14 of them. Besides, he has been the research leader in 39 research and technical assistance contracts with public entities and private companies. He is the co-inventor of two patents and an utility model. From the Scopus bibliographic analysis between 1983 and 2022 (march) it appears that his h index is 26, having published 79 documents with a total of 1714 citations.