Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2019-20

En esta asignatura se estudian las destrezas, las estrategias, los aspectos sociológicos y culturales implicados en la comunicación escrita y en la construcción de diversos tipos de textos en español, desde la perspectiva del español como lengua extranjera. Así mismo, también se observan y se analizan los métodos y modelos, los tipos de materiales y las actividades para la planificación de la enseñanza y la aplicación práctica de los profesores de español como lengua extranjera.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

General Competences (CG)

  • CG1 : Master, theories, linguistic models and methodologies applicable to teaching second languages, as well as research methods and information search techniques that can be used as the basis for carrying out research work on the teaching of Spanish and/or English as second foreign languages.
  • CG2 : Understand the specific problems related to the linguistic peculiarities presented by Spanish and/or English as regards teaching as a second foreign language at different levels and abilities, as well as the pertinent literary and cultural aspects needed to integrate literature and culture into the L2/LE Spanish/English classroom.
  • CG3 : Ability to apply the knowledge acquired to planning and carrying out research work into teaching Spanish and/or English as second languages that clearly transmit one's knowledge and the results of said research.
  • CG4 : Ability to apply the knowledge acquired of Spanish and/or English as second foreign languages to teaching.
  • CG5 : Adopt a critical and self-critical attitude, involving self-assessment and self-correction, as well as possessing intellectual curiosity to allow self-learning and the continuous updating of one's knowledge in the field of teaching second foreign languages.
  • CG6 : Ability to transmit social and cultural values in line with modern, multilingual and multicultural Europe in one's professional activities (research and/or teaching).


General Competences acquired at University of Alicante (CGUA)

  • CGUA2 : Ser capaz de utilizar como usuario herramientas básicas en TIC.
  • CGUA3 : Ser capaz de expresarse correctamente de modo oral y por escrito en una de las dos lenguas oficiales de la Comunidad Valenciana en su ámbito disciplinar.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Conceptual

  • CEE4 : Understand linguistic aspects of Spanish and/or English, at different levels and abilities, that are pertinent from the point of view of research and teaching, as well as specific lines of research in these areas.
  • CEE6 : Understand and master the specialised bibliography, terminology and conceptual tools that can act as the basis for planning teaching and for research, both with respect to the aspects common to teaching second foreign languages and to that affecting its application to Spanish and/or English.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Procedural

  • CPE10 : Ability to select and plan soundly-based content, activities, materials and assessment techniques for the teaching/learning of Spanish and/or English at L2/LE on the levels making up the language and related to the different ability levels, bearing in mind the specific problems raised and the diversity of teaching contexts.
  • CPE12 : Ability to read and use specialised bibliography, terminology and conceptual tools that can act as the basis for teaching and research, both with regard to the common aspects of teaching second foreign languages and to their application to Spanish and/or English.
  • CPE8 : Apply models and theories related to teaching and acquiring second foreign languages, as well as the knowledge acquired concerning levels, abilities and the role of literature and culture in developing competence, carrying out activities (case studies, problem-solving, etc.) and academic work raised in the different fields.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Attitude

  • CAE14 : Maintain a flexible and critical attitude to the many theories, trends and methodologies used in research into teaching second languages (Spanish and/or English).
  • CAE15 : Ability to update and develop for oneself the knowledge related to teaching Spanish and/or English as L2/LE.
  • CAE16 : Show the capacity for collaboration, commitment and responsibility on the individual and joint tasks needed to prepare oneself to teach and research into English/Spanish.
  • CAE17 : Show a positive attitude to multilingualism and multiculturalism in modern Europe on the basis of teaching English/Spanish.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

  1. Knowledge of instrumental concepts in the domains that constitute the subject.
  2. Knowledge of specific aspects and problems of the skills that make up the communicative competence of Spanish, as well as of its linguistic bases, with a view to teaching it as a second or foreign language.
  3. Knowledge of key perspectives for research on the subject.
  4. Knowledge of materials, strategies, assessment tools, as well as their linguistic foundations, with a view to teaching those skills that make up the communicative competence of Spanish as a second or foreign language.
  5. Knowledge of sources of information and specialized bibliography of reference in linguistics applied to the teaching of oral comprehension and expression, as well as written comprehension and expression, of Spanish as a second or foreign language.
  6. Application of the knowledge acquired in case study, problem solving and materials’ analysis activities, in techniques and strategies and to the design of activities.
  7. Analytical and comprehensive use of the different sources of information and the reference bibliography.
  8. Adequate use of terms and conceptual tools specific to the subject.
  9. Application of the knowledge acquired to the accomplishment of academic works.
  10. Responsibility in individual tasks.
  11. Collaboration in collective tasks.
  12. Development of a flexible and critical attitude towards the diversity of methods, theories and perspectives.
  13. Development of the capacity for autonomous work.



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2019-20


Competencias generales universidad: CGUA2, CGUA3.

Competencias generales del título: CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6.

Competencias conceptuales específicas: CCE4, CCE6.

Competencias procedimentales específicas: CPE8, CPE10, CPE12.

Competencias actitudinales específicas: CAE14, CAE15, CAE16, CAE17.

OBJETIVOS FORMATIVOS: (Síntesis de los objetivos por cuestioón de espacio físico)

CONCEPTUALES: Conocer, en relación a la comprensión y a la expresión escrita, los conceptos clave, las perspectivas metodológicas, la competencia comunicativa (MRE), la relación de la comprensión y la expresión escrita en los niveles lingüísticos en el español como L2/LE. Conocer y analizar la problemática de la comprensión y de la expresión escrita en españos y sepan analizar y valorar los materiales existentes, así como las técnicas y las estrategias, y los métodos y las herramientas necesarias para su evaluación y también, los recursos tecnológicos existentes, la bibliografía sobre la materia y las posibilidades y perspectivas en la investigación en comprensión y expresión escrita en español.

PROCEDIMENTALES: Utilizar y aplicar la terminología, las herramientas, la planificación, los contenidos, las actividades, los materiales, las estrategias, las destrezas tecnológicas, las herramientas y materiales de evaluación, la integración de estas destrezas en la enseñanza del español como L2/LE, así como que sepan utilizar la bilbiografía, sintetizar los contenidos, y diseñar y elaborar un trabajo de investigación en esta material.

ACTITUDINALES: Desarrollar una actitud crítica respecto a la enseñanza de lenguas, una capacidad autocrítica que les permita formarse de manera autónoma y constante, trabajar en equipo, mantener una actitid responsable, autónoma y, por último, asumir y manifrstar en su trabajo los valores sociales y culturales acordes con la Europa actual.




Code: 39007
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,20
Practical credits: 1,20
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,2
    Practical credits: 1,2
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught