Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2012-13


La Bioquímica es una asignatura de formación básica en el Grado de Ciencias del Mar cuyo objetivo principal es el de proporcionar una visión general de las principales biomoléculas presentes en la naturaleza, así como establecer las bases químicas, moleculares y genéticas de los procesos biológicos. A lo largo de la historia de esta disciplina científica, los bioquímicos han trabajado para desvelar los principios químicos y físicos fundamentales que sustentan los procesos vivos. Por lo tanto, sienta los principios del conocimiento necesarios para poder identificar esos procesos.

Esta asignatura proporciona las bases tanto para la comprensión de otras asignaturas del Grado como para el desarrollo de la futura actividad profesional del graduado en Ciencias del Mar.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

Specific Competences:>>Theoretical

  • CE1 : Possess a basic understanding of molecular structure, genetics, cell organisation and the evolutionary processes of living beings.
  • CE4 : Acquire and understanding of basic chemical terminology and processes.


Specific Competences:>>Ability

  • CE20 : Show knowledge and understanding of inductive and deductive methods, the elaboration of hypotheses and experimental design.
  • CE23 : Know how to work on oceanographic campaigns and in the laboratory in a responsible and safe manner, encouraging teamwork.
  • CE26 : Acquire the ability to design, process information, draft and execute projects related with marine and coastal environments.
  • CE31 : Prepare, present and defend scientific texts and reports both in writing and orally to an audience.
  • CE32 : Recognise and analyse new marine science problems, as well as those of other sciences, and plan strategies for action.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2012-13




Code: 24514
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,32
Practical credits: 1,08
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,32
    Practical credits: 1,08
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught