Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2015-16

La asignatura de Fundamentos de Optometría se imparte en el segundo semestre del primer curso y pertenece a la materia Optometría y Contactología. Con esta asignatura el alumno entra por primera vez en contacto con la Optometría, que es un pilar básico en la formación de este grado para adquirir las habilidades profesionales que debe desarrollar. En Fundamentos de Optometría se establece el concepto de Optometría y su evolución histórica, conceptos como la emetropia y la ametropía, los fundamentos de la refracción tanto mediante pruebas objetivas como subjetivas, todo ello tanto a nivel teórico como práctico. Estos conocimientos serán básicos para establecer las bases teóricas y prácticas que se desarrollaran en otras asignaturas como: Optometría I, Optometría II, Optometría III, Optometría IV, Contactología I, Contactología II y Optometría y Contactología Clínica.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

Specific competences (CE):>>Module 1: basic competences

  • CES21 : Understand and manage basic laboratory material and techniques.
  • CES22 : Understand the psychological factors of the relationship between the optician optometrist and the patient.


Specific competences (CE):>>Module 2: optics competences

  • CES24 : Understand the principles, description and characteristics of the basic optical instruments, as well as of the instruments used in the practice of ophthalmology and optometrics.
  • CES36 : Be able to carry out psychophysical tests to determine visual perception levels.
  • CES37 : Understand the Spanish health care system and the basic aspects related to health service management, basically those associated with health care and rehabilitation.


Specific competences (CE):>>Module 3: vision system pathology competences

  • CES51 : Understand the epidemiological models of the main visual pathologies.
  • CES52 : Understand and apply health education techniques to the main generic ocular health problems. Understand the principles of sickness and health.
  • CES53 : Understand the manifestations of the pathological processes and mechanisms involved in producing the main human illnesses.


Specific competences (CE):>>Module 4: optometry competences

  • CES54 : Develop communication, data recording and clinical history preparation skills.
  • CES55 : Acquire the ability to interpret and exercise clinical judgement on the results of the visual tests to establish the diagnosis and most appropriate treatment.
  • CES58 : Capacity to measure, interpret and treat refractive defects.
  • CES61 : Ability to prescribe, control and monitor optical corrections.
  • CES64 : Understand, apply and interpret the instrument-based tests related to visual health problems.
  • CES74 : Understand the function of the retina as a receptor of radiant energy.
  • CES75 : Understand the basic models of colour, shape and movement vision.
  • CES76 : Understand the modifications in perceptive processes associated with aging.
  • CES81 : Understand the different protocols applied to patients.
  • CES82 : Understand and apply visual screening techniques applied to different populations.
  • CES83 : Understand and apply the new technologies in the field of clinical optometry.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2015-16

Capacidad de análisis. Capacidad para resolver problemas. Capacidad para tomar decisiones. Tener capacidad para trabajar en equipo Tener capacidad para relacionarse con otras personas del mismo o distinto ámbito profesional. Tener capacidad de razonamiento crítico. Tener capacidad para adaptarse a nuevas situaciones.




Code: 24017
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 0,92
Practical credits: 1,48
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Area: OPTICS
    Theoretical credits: 0,92
    Practical credits: 1,48
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught