Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2010-11

La asignatura de Optometría I se imparte en el tercer semestre del segundo curso y pertenece a la materia Optometría y Contactología. En esta asignatura el estudiante profundizará en el conocimiento de las disfunciones refractivas del ojo, sus causas, síntomas y signos, así como en los diferentes métodos de diagnóstico objetivos y subjetivos para su detección y tratamiento optométrico.

Se pretende que al finalizar la asignatura el alumno sea capaz de realizar correctamente un examen refractivo teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de las diferentes ametropías.



Estudiar y conocer las disfunciones refractivas del ojo, sus causas, síntomas y signos, así como los diferentes métodos de diagnóstico objetivo y subjetivo para su detección y tratamiento optométrico. En definitiva, conocer todos los aspectos relacionados con un examen optométrico utilizando para ello los tests adecuados en las pruebas clínicas objetivas y subjetivas del examen refractivo.

Se pretende que al finalizar la asignatura el alumno sea capaz de realizar correctamente un examen refractivo teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de cada grupo poblacional y de las distintas ametropías.




Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

Specific competences (CE):>>Module 1: basic competences

  • CES21 : Understand and manage basic laboratory material and techniques.
  • CES22 : Understand the psychological factors of the relationship between the optician optometrist and the patient.


Specific competences (CE):>>Module 2: optics competences

  • CES24 : Understand the principles, description and characteristics of the basic optical instruments, as well as of the instruments used in the practice of ophthalmology and optometrics.
  • CES36 : Be able to carry out psychophysical tests to determine visual perception levels.
  • CES37 : Understand the Spanish health care system and the basic aspects related to health service management, basically those associated with health care and rehabilitation.


Specific competences (CE):>>Module 3: vision system pathology competences

  • CES51 : Understand the epidemiological models of the main visual pathologies.
  • CES52 : Understand and apply health education techniques to the main generic ocular health problems. Understand the principles of sickness and health.
  • CES53 : Understand the manifestations of the pathological processes and mechanisms involved in producing the main human illnesses.


Specific competences (CE):>>Module 4: optometry competences

  • CES54 : Develop communication, data recording and clinical history preparation skills.
  • CES55 : Acquire the ability to interpret and exercise clinical judgement on the results of the visual tests to establish the diagnosis and most appropriate treatment.
  • CES58 : Capacity to measure, interpret and treat refractive defects.
  • CES61 : Ability to prescribe, control and monitor optical corrections.
  • CES64 : Understand, apply and interpret the instrument-based tests related to visual health problems.
  • CES74 : Understand the function of the retina as a receptor of radiant energy.
  • CES75 : Understand the basic models of colour, shape and movement vision.
  • CES76 : Understand the modifications in perceptive processes associated with aging.
  • CES81 : Understand the different protocols applied to patients.
  • CES82 : Understand and apply visual screening techniques applied to different populations.
  • CES83 : Understand and apply the new technologies in the field of clinical optometry.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2010-11

Capacidad de análisis. Capacidad para resolver problemas. Capacidad para tomar decisiones. Tener capacidad para trabajar en equipo Tener capacidad para relacionarse con otras personas del mismo o distinto ámbito profesional. Tener capacidad de razonamiento crítico. Tener capacidad para adaptarse a nuevas situaciones.




Code: 24017
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 0,92
Practical credits: 1,48
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Area: OPTICS
    Theoretical credits: 0,92
    Practical credits: 1,48
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught