Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2018-19

Aquesta assignatura té per objectius principals augmentar les competències lingüística i didàctica necessàries per a l'ensenyament-aprenentatge de la llengua i de la literatura catalanes en Educació Primària. Això implica el domini de la varietat estàndard de la llengua catalana en àmbits formals i acadèmics (en un nivell B2+ del MECR) i la formació en didàctica de la llengua i de la literatura en el context educatiu valencià i per als diferents nivells de l'Educació Primària. Encara que els continguts de l'assignatura se centren en la didàctica de la llengua catalana (com a L1 o com a L2) l'assignatura té present que l'ensenyament-aprenentatge de la llengua i de la literatura catalanes es produeix en el marc de programes educatius plurilingües.

És una assignatura del segon curs (que consta de 3 crèdits teòrics i 3 de pràctics) per a l'Educació Primària. Aquesta assignatura proveeix les competències professionals necessàries per a la formació dels futurs mestres en didàctica de la llengua i de la literatura, i està directament relacionada amb la resta d'assignatures del mòdul didàctic i disciplinar i del mòdul optatiu impartides pel Departament de Filologia Catalanes, que formen part de l'itinerari per a aconseguir la Capacitació Docent en Valencià o el Diploma de Mestre de Valencià.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

General Competences (CG)

  • CG1 : Identify information needs and then find, analyse, process, evaluate and communicate it effectively, critically and creatively.
  • CG3 : Show oral and written language skills for teaching (official languages of the Region of Valencia and foreign languages) and the ability to communicate on different levels in different registers.
  • CG4 : Use the new information and communication technologies to learn, communicate and share knowledge.
  • CG5 : Work in a team, collaborating and leading when necessary.
  • CG6 : Value diversity as a matter of fact and integrate it positively.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE1 : Understand the organisation of primary education schools and, where appropriate, adult education centres and training classes, and the diversity of actors and actions involved in their operation. Collaborate with the different sectors of the educational community and the context and work in a team with your co-workers as a precondition for improving one's professional activity, sharing knowledge and valuing experiences.
  • CE10 : Use assessment in its pedagogical function, and not only for accreditation, as an element that regulates and promotes improved teaching, learning and the training process itself, assuming the need for continuous professional development through reflection, self-assessment and research into one's own practice.
  • CE12 : Express oneself orally and in writing with the necessary fluency and precision in Catalan and Spanish to be able to teach at primary level and also use a foreign language as a vehicle in certain classroom situations.
  • CE13 : Promote and head the development and implementation, in the school you belong to, of curriculum proposals in an area where are best qualified and take responsibility for promoting quality improvement processes in said area.
  • CE3 : Organise teaching in the framework of the epistemological paradigms of the subjects of the degree course, combining one's knowledge of the discipline with the transversal and multidisciplinary knowledge needed for the respective levels of education, showing one's understanding of the learning aims of the areas of knowledge laid down in the primary education curriculum.
  • CE4 : Motivate and promote the progress of students in school in the framework of comprehensive education and promote their self-learning skills, starting with the targets and content of each educational level, with positive expectations of student progress. All of this while renouncing traditional stereotypes that are external to learning, and developing strategies to avoid discrimination and exclusion.
  • CE5 : Identify and support those students who do not achieve their learning potential or have behavioural, emotional or social problems. Also know how to request advice from different services and specialists to attend diverse special education needs.
  • CE7 : Design and develop educational projects, programming units, contexts, activities and materials, including digital material, to allow the curriculum to be adapted to the diverse nature of the students and promote the quality of the contexts in which the educational process takes place, thus guaranteeing their well-being.
  • CE9 : Integrate information and communication technologies into guided and autonomous teaching and learning activities.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2018-19

No data




Code: 17524
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,20
Practical credits: 1,20
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,2
    Practical credits: 1,2
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught