Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2020-21

Esta assignatura pretén que l’alumnat conega el context sociolingüístic valencià i les seues implicacions educatives en relació amb els currículums d’Educació Infantil, els programes educatius de caràcter plurilingüe i les metodologies que se’n deriven. Així mateix, desenvoluparà en els estudiants els coneixements i les habilitats per a saber ensenyar i fer aprendre la parla i l’escriptura i tots els elements que les interrelacionen tot incidint en el llenguatge no verbal, la literatura de tradició oral i els recursos d’animació lectora per a l’etapa infantil. L'assignatura condueix a l'obtenció del nivell de llengua C1 de valencià. En eixe sentit, es requerirà a l’alumnat un desenvolupament de la competència comunicativa oral i escrita en llengua catalana d’un nivell C1 d’acord amb el Marc Europeu Comú de Referència per a les Llengües (MECR) atenent especialment els usos lingüístics professionals relacionats amb la lingüística i la didàctica de les llengües en contacte.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

General Competences (CG)

  • CG2 : Capacity to learn and accept responsibility. Be aware of the learning process itself and self-regulate it. Capacity to find, use and integrate information. Show interest in learning throughout one's life and update one's professional competences and points of view, autonomously, focused according to the needs of the moment. Ensure balanced emotional growth.
  • CG7 : Recognise diversity and multiculturalism. Value diversity of all kinds positively, respect other world views and manage multicultural interactions creatively for mutual enrichment.
  • CG9 : Capacity for communication. Understand and express oneself both orally and in writing in the official languages of the Region of Valencia and one foreign language, including all available visual and auditory elements needed in each case, communicating effectively and efficiently in different contexts and for different purposes.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE1 : Apply the elements dealt with in current children's education syllabus coherently: goals, competences, aims, content and evaluation criteria.
  • CE12 : Understand that teaching involves continuous improvement and adapting to scientific, pedagogical, technological, social and cultural changes throughout one's lifetime.
  • CE2 : Promote and facilitate learning in early childhood, from a globalising and integrating approach to the different cognitive, linguistic, emotional, motor, social, philosophical, cultural and volitive dimensions .
  • CE7 : Promote the evolution of different pre-school education languages, identify possible dysfunctions and ensure their correct evolution. Favour the development of communication skills.
  • CE8 : Deal effectively with language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Select the most appropriate educational resources for each situation.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2020-21

No data




Code: 17215
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 9,00
Theoretical credits: 1,80
Practical credits: 1,80
Distance-base hours: 5,40

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,8
    Practical credits: 1,8
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught