Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2015-16

El Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) se imparte en el segundo trimestre de cuarto curso. Su carga lectiva es de 6 créditos ECTS, que se traducirán en 150 horas del estudiante. El TFG está regulado por lo que dispone el plan de estudios, por la normativa general de la UA al respecto, así como por el Reglamento sobre TFG desarrollada por la Facultad de Educación. - La Comisión del TFG del Grado hará pública la relación de propuestas del TFG en el plazo que establezca el Centro. - El/la estudiante matriculado/a en el TFG deberá necesariamente en su solicitud, indicar el orden de preferencia de todas las propuestas ofertadas en los plazos que se habiliten anualmente para ello. - La Comisión de TFG del Grado realizará la asignación provisional de cada estudiante a una de las propuestas de acuerdo con los criterios que cada año determine la propia Comisión de Grado. - La asignación provisional de propuestas será publicada por la Comisión de TFG, en los plazos que anualmente se habiliten para ello, pudiendo los/as estudiantes formular frente a ella reclamación en el plazo máximo de cinco días. - Transcurrido el plazo para presentar reclamación y, en su caso, examinadas las que se hayan formulado, la Comisión académica hará pública la resolución definitiva. Para la evaluación del trabajo de Fin de Grado se debe acreditar como mínimo un nivel B1 del marco de Referencia Europeo para las lenguas modernas, aunque se recomienda el B2.

Asimismo, para cursar el trabajo Fin de Grado, el alumnado debe cumplir los requisitos establecidos en la “Normativa de permanencia y continuación de estudios para los estudiantes matriculados en Títulos de Grado de la Universidad de Alicante” vigente.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

General Competences (CG)

  • CG1.1 : Capacity to identify, list, analyse, synthesise and apply the conceptual content determined by the subjects studied for the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport degree.
  • CG1.2 : Capacity to manage information and knowledge in new and complex situations, solve problems and take decisions to develop instrumental content and procedures for the subjects in the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport degree course.
  • CG2.1 : Ability for oral and written communication when developing conceptual and procedural content, with special attention to mastering argument and critical reasoning in the subjects in the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport degree course.
  • CG2.2 : Use and integration of computing as applied to the subjects studied in the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport degree course.
  • CG3.1 : Capacity to design, apply and evaluate high-quality processes, programs and projects in the fields of teaching, training and the promotion of health and recreational sport
  • CG3.2 : Awareness and recognition of diversity and multiculturalism in the fields of teaching and learning, training and the promotion of health and recreation.
  • CG4.1 : Ability for interpersonal, and effective relationships and emotional control during teamwork and the development of leadership when carrying out learning activities and tasks in the subjects on the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport degree course.
  • CG4.2 : Development of responsibility and the capacity for initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and originality in the instrumental learning of the subjects on the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport degree course.
  • CG5.1 : Commitment to the values of equality with regard to questions of gender, diversity and democracy when practising physical activity and sport.
  • CG5.2 : Commitment to ethical values in sporting competition.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE10 : Capacity to design, apply and evaluate high-quality processes, programmes and projects for teaching and learning physical activity among the adult population, the elderly and the disabled.
  • CE15 : Capacity to design, apply and evaluate high-quality processes, programmes and projects to control the training programmes of individual and team sports, sports using implements, marine sports, gymnastic skills and Valencian pelota, knowing how to select and use the appropriate sports material and equipment for each kind of activity.
  • CE17 : Ability to design and supervise recreational physical-sports activity programmes.
  • CE18 : Ability to plan, evaluate and monitor total and environmental quality management systems in sports organisations, entities and facilities.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2015-16

No data




Code: 16583
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 0,00
Practical credits: 0,60
Distance-base hours: 5,40

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,09
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,42
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,09

Study programmes where this course is taught