Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2021-22
Asignatura muy práctica y creativa. Partiremos de cero, ya que fotografiar es fácil y comunicar con nuestras imágenes es además interesante. Haremos un recorrido por los fotógrafos que crearon escuela y aprenderemos de ellos su forma de hacer fotografía.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2021-22
No data
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2021-22
No data
Lecturer responsible:
Serrano Sánchez, Francisco Javier
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
No dataStudy programmes where this course is taught
Permanent University
Course type: OPTIONAL (Year: No year)