Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2021-22
Conocer otros tres de los nueve parques naturales que tiene Alicante como tercera parte de un programa que incluirá la totalidad de los mismos. En este caso se estudiarán el Parc Natural de la Serra Gelada, el Parc Natural de la Marjal de Pego-Oliva y el Parc Natural del Montgó
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2021-22
No data
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2021-22
No data
Lecturer responsible:
Vicedo Martínez, Manuel
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
No dataStudy programmes where this course is taught
Permanent University
Course type: OPTIONAL (Year: No year)