Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2021-22

The creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) implies a change in the educational model with a more participatory and responsible approach to students. The main focus of teaching moves towards student learning. Students must acquire leadership skills and engage in autonomous learning, decision making and ethical commitment. This transformation implies changes not only in theoretical classroom training but in practical training as well. The EHEA emphasizes the presence of the practicum in business areas that ensure the achievement of curricular competencies. In the case of nursing, clinical practicums already constituted a substantial part of the training program, but the current regulations of the degree give greater relevance to inclusion of pre-professional practicums in the form of a clinical rotation as a module or independent subject.
Quality training inevitably involves programming that includes clinical experiences with patients and real scenarios, supervised by accredited professionals that provide students with feedback and facilitate reflection. It is much more than application of what the student learns in the classroom or a repetition of what students observe during their time in the social welfare centers of practicums. It consists of a much broader vision of the work of nursing, in which each problem is unique, immersed in a certain reality and whose resolution lies in action that stems from reflection.
The application of reflective thinking helps students learn and integrate knowledge, attitudes and skills that allow them to acquire the competencies and objectives of teaching and learning that are shared by all the actors involved (students, university professors and others).
The course Practicum IX takes place during the second semester of the third year of the degree in nursing. This practical course is based on the theoretical courses that take place in the first and second year such as physiology, physiopathology, fundamentals of nursing I and adult care II and courses given in the first semester of the third year such as adult care II.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2021-22

Specific Competences (CE)

  • E02 : Basar les intervencions dels professionals de les ciències de la salut en l'evidència científica i en els mitjans disponibles.
  • E03 : Establir mecanismes d'avaluació, considerant els aspectes científic, tècnic i de qualitat.
  • E04 : Conèixer els sistemes d'informació sanitària.
  • E05 : Aplicar els mètodes i procediments necessaris en el seu àmbit per a identificar els problemes de salut.


General Competences of the Degree Course (CG):>>Nursing sciences module

  • 29 : Identificar les necessitats de cura derivades dels problemes de salut.
  • 30 : Analitzar les dades recollides en la valoració, prioritzar els problemes del pacient adult, establir i executar el pla de cures i fer-ne l'avaluació.
  • 31 : Realitzar les tècniques i procediments de cures d'infermeria, establint una relació terapèutica amb els malalts i familiars.
  • 32 : Seleccionar les intervencions dirigides a tractar o prevenir els problemes derivats de les desviacions de salut.
  • 49 : Conèixer i ser capaç d'aplicar les tècniques de direcció de grups.


Specific transversal competences of the degree course :>>Foreign language proficiency

  • CT1 : Llegir i comprendre textos en un idioma estranger.


Specific transversal competences of the degree course :>>IT and information competences

  • CT2 : Demostrar destreses i habilitats en informàtica i sistemes informacionals.


Specific transversal competences of the degree course:>>Oral and written communication competences

  • CT3 : Demostrar habilitats en comunicació oral i escrita.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2021-22


This course has various specific objectives, both cognitive and procedural or attitudinal, that the student must meet to acquire the skills required. Most of the objectives are shared by other practicum courses of the degree, but there are differences in the level of reflection required, depending on the academic course that is being pursued. The student, clinical tutor and responsible professor can see these objectives and the criteria established for each in a computer-based tool for evaluation of the practicum.

For example, some of the objectives include the following:
1.1.2. Identify situations in which the nurse must offer information that facilitates decision making.
1.2.1. Guarantee respect and privacy of the person.
1.3.2. Show responsibility, initiative and predisposition for the work.
2.1.1. Identify different forms of communication established between people involved in care activities (professional-professional, professional-family, professional-patient, family-patient, family, ...).
2.1.2. Observe the different models of work organization and identify team members.
2.1.3. Acquire and strengthen the use of professional terminology.
2.2.3. Use correct spelling and written expression in all assessment documents of the practicum.
2.2.4. Include the person and family in the provision of basic care, explaining the objectives to be achieved and helping in learning the procedure.
2.2.5. Transmit to the team members the relevant information obtained about the person or family.
2.3.1. Handle opinions about patient care.
2.3.2. Maintain an attitude of active listening with the person/family/group.
3.2.1. Perform assessments of assigned patients.
3.2.2. Use specific evaluation instruments.
3.2.3. Present and communicate the clinical information in an appropriate way (this can only be evaluated if the student presents other work in substitution of the care plans)
4.1.1. Identify the main alterations in the patient's health and their associated risk factors.
4.2.1. State, classify and prioritize the health problems detected, taking into account the needs of the person.
5.2.1. Assign the most appropriate objectives to the nursing diagnosis and the context of the person.
5.2.2. Select the intervention/s appropriate to the health problem.
5.2.3. Correctly apply the interventions required by the person.
5.2.4. Register the care plan appropriately.
7.1.1. Identify quality evaluation mechanisms used in the practice unit.
7.2.3. Apply care taking cost-benefit into account.
8.2.1. Support and justify their interventions using scientific evidence.
8.2.2. Make a critical reading of an article related to topics applied to clinical practice.
8.3.1. Carry out the care process from the perspective of critical thinking.





Code: 27028
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 0,00
Practical credits: 1,20
Distance-base hours: 4,80

Departments involved

  • Dept: NURSING
    Area: NURSING
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 1,2
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught