Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2019-20

Las prácticas en empresa constituyen una actividad de naturaleza formativa realizada por los estudiantes universitarios y supervisada por la Universidad, cuyo objetivo es permitir aplicar y complementar los conocimientos adquiridos en su formación académica, favoreciendo la adquisición de competencias que les preparen para el ejercicio de actividades profesionales, faciliten su empleabilidad y fomenten su capacidad de emprendimiento.

Esta asignatura se encuentra situada en el 4º curso del plan de estudios del grado en Ingeniería Multimedia. Se divide en “Prácticas Externas I” y “Prácticas Externas II” pudiéndose cursar en el primer y/o segundo cuatrimestre respectivamente. Cada una de ellas supone 6 créditos ECTS, pudiendo el estudiante cursar una u otra asignatura, según el período en el que realice las prácticas. También es posible cursar ambas asignaturas con lo que el estudiante realizaría 12 créditos ECTS de prácticas en empresa.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2019-20

General Competences (CG)

  • 1 : Capacity to conceive, prepare, organise, plan, develop and implement projects in the field of multimedia engineering and the conception, development and exploitation of multimedia systems, services and applications.
  • 10 : Capacity to analyse the social and environmental impact of technical solutions, including the ethical and professional responsibilities of Multimedia Engineers.
  • 11 : Understand and apply basic economic, human resources management, project planning and organisation skills, as well as the legislation, regulation and standardisation applicable to multimedia projects.
  • 12 : Capacity to work in multidisciplinary groups and in a multilingual context and to communicate, orally and in writing, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas related to Information and Communication Technologies and, more specifically, with the multimedia aspects of said technologies.
  • 13 : Capacity to use the scientific method for planning and carrying out different tasks, both at academic and professional level.
  • 14 : Capacity to handle any source of information related to the degree course, including on-line bibliographies and materials in the form of text, image, sound and video.
  • 2 : Capacity to manage the activities involved in multimedia engineering projects.
  • 3 : Capacity to design, develop, evaluate and ensure the accessibility, ergonomics, usability and security of multimedia systems, services and applications, as well as of the information they manage.
  • 4 : Capacity to define, evaluate and select hardware and software platforms for developing multimedia systems, services and applications.
  • 5 : Capacity to conceive, develop and maintain multimedia systems, services and applications using software engineering methods as the means of ensuring their quality.
  • 6 : Capacity to conceive and develop centralised or distributed computer systems and architectures by integrating hardware, software and networks.
  • 7 : Capacity to understand specific national and international legislation on the publication of multimedia content: royalties, intellectual property and distribution of audiovisual material, and observe binding specifications, regulations and standards.
  • 8 : Understand the basic subjects and technologies that enable one to learn and develop new methods and technologies, as well as those that endow one with great versatility in adapting to new situations.
  • 9 : Capacity to solve problems with initiative, decision-making skills, autonomy and creativity. Capacity to communicate and transmit the skills, abilities and competences required by professional Multimedia Engineers.


UA Basic Transversal Competences

  • CT1 : Skills in a foreign language.
  • CT2 : Computer and information technology skills.
  • CT3 : Oral and written communication skills.


Specific Competences:>>Basic

  • B1 : Solve mathematical problems arising in multimedia engineering by using one's knowledge of algebra, geometry, differential and integral calculus, numerical methods, statistics and optimisation.
  • B2 : Understand and master the basics of discrete mathematics, logic and their application to automatic data processing using computer systems, and to solve engineering-related problems.
  • B3 : Understand and master the basics of the use and programming of computers, algorithmics and computational complexity.
  • B4 : Understand and master the structure, working and interconnection of multimedia computer systems.
  • B5 : Understand and master the basics of Physics as applied to computing and signal processing to solve multimedia engineering problems.
  • B6 : Understand and master the concept of companies, their institutional and legal framework. Company organisation and management.
  • B7 : Understand the fundamentals of graphic expression and design, apply them to multimedia content and develop one's a capacity for spatial vision.
  • B8 : Understand and master the concept of multimedia, the characteristics of multimedia language, the technologies involved, organisation and management of multimedia systems and their sociocultural impact on the information and knowledge society.


Specific Competences:>>Specific

  • C1 : Develop, maintain, administrate and evaluate multimedia services that satisfy all user requirements and behave reliably and efficiently while complying with quality standards.
  • C10 : Select and manage platforms to support multimedia content from its creation to its distribution and consumption.
  • C11 : Understand the characteristics, functionalities and structure of operating systems, to allow them to be used and administrated correctly, and design and implement multimedia applications based on their services.
  • C12 : Understand the characteristics, functionalities and structure of distributed systems, computer networks and Internet, to allow them to be used and administrated correctly, and design and implement multimedia applications based on their services.
  • C13 : Understand and know how to use persistent storage technology and multimedia information methods, especially files and databases, to obtain information systems that satisfy requirements efficiently.
  • C14 : Design, implement, integrate and implant the tools, applications and components needed to store, process, distribute and access web-based information systems.
  • C15 : Understand and apply the principles, methodologies and life cycles of software engineering.
  • C16 : Create, design and evaluate man-computer interfaces that guarantee accessibility and usability.
  • C17 : Understand and apply the fundamentals of digital image and video in their different formats, as well as the technical and creative dimensions of tools for the acquisition, production, edition and post-production of images.
  • C18 : Understand and apply the fundamentals of digital sound and image in their different formats, as well as the technical and creative dimensions of tools for the acquisition, production, edition and post-production of images.
  • C19 : Understand and apply basic computer graphics techniques, including 2D, 3D, rendering and lighting.
  • C2 : Prepare and direct multimedia engineering projects efficiently and effectively, paying attention to all factors relating to viability, sustainability, legislation, health and safety at work, regulations, standardisation and accessibility and gender equality related with the information society when developing projects.
  • C20 : Plan and produce graphical elements and visual communication processes that allow one to contribute towards building effective visual environments with aesthetic and cultural values.
  • C21 : Design, build and animate three-dimensional models, including all the stages needed to produce computer graphics images and sequences.
  • C22 : Guarantee acceptable quality levels (performance, security, continuity, integrity, reliability) when distributing and storing multimedia content.
  • C3 : Understand the legal framework regarding intellectual property and apply user licences correctly in multimedia production, recognising their main characteristics, differences and the consequences deriving from their use, as well as the technologies used to manage them.
  • C4 : Understand information recovery and extraction techniques using multimedia, multilingual and multimodal resources.
  • C5 : Programme applications robustly, correctly and efficiently, choosing the most appropriate paradigms and programming languages by applying one's knowledge of basic algorithmic procedures and using the most appropriate data types and structures.
  • C6 : Identify, manage, integrate and implant systems and infrastructures for the distribution, storage and support of multimedia content.
  • C7 : Select and use the right development platform to programme heterogeneous sets of devices, with different hardware, operating system and different kinds of input and output interfaces.
  • C8 : Understand, master and evaluate the structure and architecture of the systems and devices that support multimedia applications.
  • C9 : Understand the fundamentals of information theory and be able to choose the best compression and coding systems for the transmission, storage and protection of multimedia content.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2019-20

  1. Contribuir a la formación integral de los estudiantes complementando su aprendizaje teórico y práctico.
  2. Facilitar el conocimiento de la metodología de trabajo adecuada a la realidad profesional en que los estudiantes habrán de operar, contrastando y aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos.
  3. Favorecer el desarrollo de competencias técnicas, metodológicas, personales y participativas.
  4. Obtener una experiencia práctica que facilite la inserción en el mercado de trabajo y mejore su empleabilidad futura.




Code: 21043
Lecturer responsible:
Berna Martínez, Jose Vicente
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 0,00
Practical credits: 0,60
Distance-base hours: 5,40

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,01
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,13
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,06
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,19
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,19
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,01
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,01

Study programmes where this course is taught