Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2019-20
The course of Multimedia Systems Design is taught in the first semester of the third year and is mandatory.
In step that subject is approached from the analysis previously performed (in the subject AESS) the design and implementation of multimedia systems specified. This implies that the student must train in the discipline of design software, that means knowing and applying existing techniques for specifying the architecture, design patterns in the different layers and user interface design of multimedia applications to be developed. And besides, this training design has to be complemented by training on a specific platform, in this case .NET, which will require training in the use of tools, languages and development techniques used. Teachers will try to encourage and train students in the fundamentals of the platform.
The training will be done through a directed learning projects, which means that students will have to participate in a project with others, acquire social and communication skills necessary to carry it out, and use existing herraminentas for a software project is carried out collaboratively.
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2019-20
UA Basic Transversal Competences
- CT1 : Skills in a foreign language.
- CT2 : Computer and information technology skills.
- CT3 : Oral and written communication skills.
Specific Competences:>>Specific
- C1 : Develop, maintain, administrate and evaluate multimedia services that satisfy all user requirements and behave reliably and efficiently while complying with quality standards.
- C10 : Select and manage platforms to support multimedia content from its creation to its distribution and consumption.
- C14 : Design, implement, integrate and implant the tools, applications and components needed to store, process, distribute and access web-based information systems.
- C15 : Understand and apply the principles, methodologies and life cycles of software engineering.
- C22 : Guarantee acceptable quality levels (performance, security, continuity, integrity, reliability) when distributing and storing multimedia content.
- C25 : Design, produce and manage multilingual and multimode multimedia content systems to guarantee their internationalisation, localisation, accessibility and usability.
- C6 : Identify, manage, integrate and implant systems and infrastructures for the distribution, storage and support of multimedia content.
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2019-20
- Realizar las disciplinas de diseño e implementación de un proyecto software considerando los aspectos metodológicos, de notación y del entorno de desarrollo (.NET)
- Utilizar UML y DSLs (Domain Specific Languages) en el contexto del modelado de diseño software
- Ser capaz que las interfaces de usuario para diferentes entornos que obtengan una adecuada usabilidad y experiencia de usuario
- Seleccionar y establecer la funcionalidad en los diferentes componentes a partir de la definición de la arquitectura
- Aprender y aplicar los patrones de diseño y de buenas prácticas en las distintas capas de la aplicación
- Aprender y aplicar técnicas de desarrollo dirigido por modelos que permitan automatizar ciertas tareas del desarrollo del software
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 1,2
Practical credits: 1,2
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: COMPULSORY (Year: 3)