Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2016-17

El P.F.G. es un último trabajo que, básicamente, debe cumplir con una doble condición:
1) Demostrar la asimilación integrada del conocimiento adquirido a lo largo de la titulación.
2) Acreditar capacidad suficiente para incorporarse con solvencia al ejercicio profesional.

El P.F.G. será el último ejercicio formativo, en tanto que se desarrolla en el ámbito universitario, aunque pueda ser, complementariamente, el primer elemento de un “book” profesional.
El P.F.G., como trabajo universitario debe representar una aportación de interés para el conocimiento de la arquitectura en general y del proyecto como herramienta básica de trabajo en particular. En este aspecto el P.F.G. no debe ser antes un simulacro de un proyecto real que un ejercicio de investigación y proposición.
Al menos en la misma medida que en el ejercicio profesional pueden reconocerse diversos registros laborales, el P.F.G. está completamente abierto a la experimentación de múltiples sistemas de interpretación de las condiciones inicialmente enunciadas.

+ info (curso 2015-16): 

+ info (curso 2016-17):



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

Inherent transversal competences:>>Cognitive Instrumental

  • CG15 : Ability to analyse and synthesise. This is the ability to separate the parts of a research process and the ability to reconstruct the whole project from its parts.
  • CG16 : Ability to be self-critical. Capacity to systematise intellectually non-conformist attitudes.
  • CG17 : Ability to apply knowledge to practice. Ability to technify any conceptual discourse with processes that can be applied to reality.
  • CG18 : Ability for critical reasoning. Capacity to confront diverse lines of argument, systematising the doubts raised about any affirmation presented.
  • CG19 : Ability for aesthetics and form. Capacity to take a critical position regarding objects of beauty.
  • CG20 : Ability for abstract thought. Ability to construct generic concepts from empirical knowledge.
  • CG21 : Capacity for imagination, fantasy and creativity. Ability to convert imaginative and creative situations into diagrams or maps for interaction. Capacity to understand the logic of fantasy, its resources and possibilities.
  • CG22 : Ability to handle complex information. Capacity to develop complex processes from situations of uncertainty.


UA Basic Transversal Competences

  • CGUA10 : Capacity to deal with real situations in architecture. Capacity to face, plan and resolve real problems required by society in the field of architecture.
  • CGUA11 : Capacity to adapt to new concepts and methods. Capacity to learn and apply new concepts and methods in a self-sufficient and interdisciplinary manner.
  • CGUA12 : Capacity to adapt to new professional technological models. Capacity to assimilate and adapt to the permanent evolution of technology during professional career.
  • CGUA13 : Capacity to adopt the scientific method. Capacity to use the scientific method when considering and carrying out different tasks, in both one's academic and professional life.
  • CGUA14 : Capacity for self-criticism. Be self-critical enough to analyse and improve the quality of projects.
  • CGUA6 : Ability to use a second language. Capacity to use the English language fluently to access technical information, respond to the needs of society and be self-sufficient when preparing for one's professional career.
  • CGUA7 : Capacity for expression. Capacity for oral and written expression.
  • CGUA8 : Capacity for scheduling and setting deadlines. Capacity to plan tasks and commit to fulfilling goals and deadlines.
  • CGUA9 : Capacity for group work. Capacity to perform well in collective and group work, sharing tasks and taking on roles.


Inherent transversal competences:>>Methodological Instrumental

  • CG23 : Ability to solve problems. Capacity to focus information and instruments for action on resolving previously diagnosed conflicts.
  • CG24 : Ability to make decisions. Capacity to understand the complexity of contexts where we make transformations and take a corresponding creative decision in a responsible manner.
  • CG25 : Ability to locate and set targets. Ability to select analysis procedures, detect peculiarities and identify critical situations.
  • CG26 : Ability to integrate different knowledge and disciplines. Capacity to understand the multiple nature of the problems faced and the ability to select and incorporate the most effective arguments.
  • CG27 : Understand different cultures and techniques. Capacity to understand culture as the vital substrate upon which we act and technique as the implementation of culture in effective, sustainable and operative tools.


Inherent transversal competences:>>Technological Instrumental

  • CG28 : Ability for spatial vision. Ability to understand and assimilate an object, process or space independently of prior visualisations as well as the capacity to generate new ones.
  • CG29 : Capacity for numerical comprehension and mechanical intuition. Ability to understand numerical processes in mechanical and technological systems, arranging one's time between theoretical studies and practical development of the models.
  • CG30 : Ability to use information technologies. Capacity to understand the importance of managing information in the modern world and show consistent interest in the dynamics proposed by the ever-growing information technologies.


Inherent transversal competences:>>Linguistic Instrumental

  • CG31 : Capacity for graphic, oral and written communication. Ability to adjust the procedure of expression to goals that have been set and choose the correct way to of expressing ideas or processes in any of the possible modes.
  • CG32 : Ability to develop and express one's own ideas and discourses. Ability to generate records that can characterise an individual, differentiated language, even recycling known approaches and establishing new ones, while enabling the creation of a portfolio understood as the framework for searches and achievements that are worth making public.
  • CG33 : Capacity for spatial representation and graphic ideation. Capacity to understand and interpret an architectural process spatially and manage pictorial and plastic referents as support for ideation.
  • CG34 : Understand other languages. Capacity to understand that in our globalised world the context is only close in cultural terms and thus understand that a knowledge of other languages is the key to accessing other contexts.


Inherent transversal Competences:>>Individual Interpersonal

  • CG35 : Act in accordance with our own motivations, values and opinions. Capacity to create and propose our own operative contexts on the basis of our special way of existing in the world, assuming our individual responsibilities for creating a better world.
  • CG36 : Ability to find and locate oneself in similar or favourable situations. Ability to adapt and/or choose formative contexts associated with one's personal capacity or those one hopes to develop.
  • CG37 : Ability to undertake self-sufficient learning strategies and processes. Capacity to generate self-learning processes that autonomously complement the regulated learning.
  • CG38 : Ability to adapt to different contexts and situations. Ability to find the most efficient mechanisms for analysis and action in each context.


Inherent transversal Competences:>>Social Interpersonal

  • CG39 : Motivation for teamwork with shared responsibilities. Capacity to participate in collective work where one undertakes tasks and roles involving leadership, research, description and communication.
  • CG40 : Motivation for working in international, interdisciplinary teams. Capacity to understand different ways of approaching problems, both in other disciplines and areas, as opportunities for learning and growth.
  • CG41 : Ability to design and manage proposals that involve social and environmental responsibility. Capacity to understand the commitment to the social and physical environment involved in the transformation processes of the same.
  • CG42 : Ability for interpersonal relationships and communication. Capacity to manage processes requiring the negotiation of ideas in different ways.
  • CG43 : Awareness of diversity and multiculturalism. Capacity to understand the fundamental importance of the other and that which is different.
  • CG44 : Ability to negotiate and resolve conflicts. Capacity to find compromised truths that are satisfactory for the opposing parties.


Inherent transversal Competences:>>Entrepreneurship Capability System

  • CG45 : Ability for initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. Ability to take the initiative and cause things to happen or arise from unpredictable situations, establishing ways of progressing within a process.
  • CG46 : Ability to negotiate and take projective action. Capacity to problematise reality and implement sustainable propositive mechanisms for action in it.
  • CG47 : Motivation for research and the difficult art of innovation. Ability to relate to the unknown and understand ways of intervening successfully in building the future.
  • CG48 : Ability to describe controversies and problematise reality. Capacity to understand real contexts as extremely complex and sensitive. Capacity to describe them in terms of conflictive relationships and fields of opportunity.
  • CG49 : Ability to find solutions to difficult tasks. Capacity to define the right analysis strategies to deal with complex problems.
  • CG50 : Ability to lead intelligent initiatives and promote creative changes and processes. Ability to suggest processes that deal with controversies, to manage data for new information systems and generate expectations within the framework of creativity.
  • CG51 : Ability to work with risk and in unpredictable contexts. Capacity for initiative and entrepreneurial spirit to identify situations of risk and identify opportunities.


Inherent transversal Competences:>>Organisation System

  • CG52 : Ability to manage and temporalise information and resources. Ability to understand the temporalisation of learning processes and adopt an expectant and receptive attitude.
  • CG53 : Motivation to develop Quality. Ability to incorporate the search for excellence into any complex process.


Inherent transversal Competences:>>Leadership System

  • CG54 : Ability for emulation and inspirational influence. Capacity to find personal or social models related to ourselves in a real context and understand them as a network of friends that have travelled down identical roads before us.
  • CG55 : Ability to pursue good ideas. Capacity to find those ideas that are extremely relevant because of their synthetic and/or operative capacity and set them as priority goals.
  • CG56 : Ability to generate expectations and energise work groups. Capacity to respond adequately to the stimulation of the expectations raised (Pygmalion effect); Ability to generate an atmosphere promoting the exchange of experiences able to empower individual creative stimuli (Medici effect).
  • CG57 : Ability to plan and execute goals on the basis of ethical commitment. Capacity to organise our actions into effective and gratifying sequences, tending to achieve goals that include an ethical and sustainable reflection.
  • CG58 : Ability to provide intellectual stimuli and delegate. Ability to understand the capacities of others and use them in benefit of the team.


Inherent transversal Competences:>>Achievement System

  • CG59 : Motivation to overcome obstacles. Capacity not to allow oneself to be intimidated by obstacles and know how to overcome them without significant personal losses. Capacity to optimise our energies and focus them on possible, self-regenerating goals.


Specific Competences:>>Preparatory Block

  • CE1 : Ability to apply graphical procedures to represent spaces and objects.
  • CE10 : Suitable understanding of the bases of topography, hypsometry and cartography and terrain modification techniques as applied to architecture and town planning.
  • CE11 : Applied understanding of numerical calculus, analytical and differential geometry and algebraic methods.
  • CE2 : Ability to conceive and represent the visual attributes of objects and master proportion and drawing techniques, including computer-based techniques.
  • CE3 : Suitable understanding of spatial representation systems as applied to architecture and town planning.
  • CE4 : Suitable understanding of the analysis and theory of forms and the laws of visual perception applied to architecture and town planning.
  • CE5 : Suitable understanding of metric and projective geometry as applied to architecture and town planning.
  • CE6 : Suitable understanding of the techniques of all stages of architectural drawing, from drawing notes to computer-assisted drawing applied to architecture and town planning.
  • CE7 : Suitable understanding of the principles of general mechanics, statics, the geometry of masses and vector and tensor fields as applied to architecture and town planning.
  • CE8 : Suitable understanding of the principles of thermodynamics, acoustics and optics as applied to architecture and town planning.
  • CE9 : Suitable understanding of the principles of fluid mechanics, hydraulics, electricity and electromagnetism applied to architecture and town planning.


Specific Competences:>>Technical Block

  • CE12 : Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban units and execute building structures.
  • CE13 : Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate systems for interior division, carpentry, stairways and other finished work in buildings and urban units.
  • CE14 : Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban units and execute cladding, roofing and other structural work systems.
  • CE15 : Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban units and execute foundation solutions.
  • CE16 : Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban units and execute supply, water treatment and evacuation, heating and air-conditioning solutions.
  • CE17 : Ability to apply technical and building regulations.
  • CE18 : Ability to preserve building, foundation and civil works structures.
  • CE19 : Ability to preserve finished works.
  • CE20 : Ability to value works.
  • CE21 : Capacity to conserve structural work.
  • CE22 : Capacity to plan building and urban installations for transformation and electricity supply, audiovisual communication, acoustic conditioning and artificial lighting.
  • CE23 : Capacity to preserve installations.
  • CE24 : Suitable understanding of the mechanics of solids, continuous media and soil, as well as the plastic, elastic and resistance qualities of the materials used in heavy work.
  • CE25 : Suitable understanding of conventional building systems and their pathology.
  • CE26 : Suitable understanding of the physical and chemical characteristics, production procedures, pathology and use of building materials.
  • CE27 : Suitable understanding of industrialised building systems.
  • CE28 : Understand deontology, collegiate organisation, professional structure and civil liability.
  • CE29 : Understand administrative procedures and professional management proceedings
  • CE30 : Understand professional office organisation.
  • CE31 : Understand measurement, valuation and survey methods.
  • CE32 : Understand the on-site health and safety plan.
  • CE33 : Understand real estate management and direction.


Specific Competences:>>Project Block

  • CE34 : Ability to conceive, prepare and develop basic projects for execution, sketches and draft projects.
  • CE35 : Ability to conceive, put into practice and develop urban projects.
  • CE36 : Ability to conceive, put into practice and develop site management.
  • CE37 : Ability to draw up functional programs for buildings and urban areas.
  • CE38 : Ability to act on, preserve, restore and rehabilitate the Architectural Heritage.
  • CE39 : Ability to remove architectural barriers.
  • CE40 : Ability to exercise architectural criticism.
  • CE41 : Ability to resolve passive environmental conditioning, including thermal and acoustic insulation, climate control, energy efficiency and natural lighting.
  • CE42 : Ability to catalogue urban architectural heritage and plan its protection.
  • CE43 : Capacity to carry out projects for safety, evacuation and protection in buildings.
  • CE44 : Capacity to draft civil works projects.
  • CE45 : Capacity to design and execute urban layouts and town planning, gardening and landscaping projects.
  • CE46 : Capacity to apply town planning regulations and bylaws
  • CE47 : Capacity to carry out environmental, landscaping and environmental impact correction studies.
  • CE48 : Suitable understanding of the general theories of shape, composition and architectural types.
  • CE49 : Suitable understanding of the general history of architecture.
  • CE50 : Suitable understanding of study methods for symbolisation, practical functions and ergonomics.
  • CE51 : Suitable understanding of study methods for social needs, quality of life, habitability and basic housing programmes.
  • CE52 : Suitable understanding of ecology, sustainability and the principles of conservation of energy and environmental resources.
  • CE53 : Suitable understanding of the architectural, town planning and landscape traditions of western culture, as well as their technical, climatic, economic, social and ideological foundations.
  • CE54 : Suitable understanding of aesthetics and the theory and history of fine arts and applied arts.
  • CE55 : Suitable understanding of the relationship between cultural standards and the social responsibilities of architects.
  • CE56 : Suitable understanding of the foundations of vernacular architecture.
  • CE57 : Suitable understanding of urban sociology, theory, economics and history.
  • CE58 : Suitable understanding of the methodological foundations of town, territorial and metropolitan planning.
  • CE59 : Suitable understanding of the mechanisms for drafting and managing urban planning on any scale.
  • CE60 : Understand civil, administrative and town planning regulations concerning building and industry as they affect one's professional activities.
  • CE61 : Understand feasibility analysis and the supervision and coordination of integrated projects.
  • CE62 : Understand the valuation of immovable assets.


Final Project Competences (PFG)

  • CPFG : Presentación y defensa, una vez obtenidos todos los créditos del plan de estudios, de un ejercicio original realizado individualmente, ante un tribunal universitario en el que deberá incluirse al menos un profesional de reconocido prestigio propuesto por las organizaciones profesionales. El ejercicio consistirá en un proyecto integral de arquitectura de naturaleza profesional en el que se sinteticen todas las competencias adquiridas en la carrera, desarrollado hasta el punto de demostrar suficiencia para determinar la completa ejecución de las obras de edificación sobre las que verse, con cumplimiento de la reglamentación técnica y administrativa aplicable.


Basic Transversal Competences

  • CB1 : Habilidad para comprender. Que los estudiantes hayan demostrado poseer y comprender conocimientos en un área de estudio que parte de la base de la educación secundaria general, y se suele encontrar a un nivel que, si bien se apoya en libros de texto avanzados, incluye también algunos aspectos que implican conocimientos procedentes de la vanguardia de su campo de estudio.
  • CB2 : Habilidad para aplicar. Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar sus conocimientos a su trabajo o vocación de una forma profesional y posean las competencias que suelen demostrarse por medio de la elaboración y defensa de argumentos y la resolución de problemas dentro de su área de estudio.
  • CB3 : Habilidad para interpretar y emitir juicios. Que los estudiantes tengan la capacidad de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro de su área de estudio) para emitir juicios que incluyan una reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica o ética.
  • CB4 : Habilidad para transmitir. Que los estudiantes puedan transmitir información, ideas, problemas y soluciones a un público tanto especializado como no especializado.
  • CB5 : De autonomía para aprendizajes futuros. Que los estudiantes hayan desarrollado aquellas habilidades de aprendizaje necesarias para emprender estudios posteriores con un alto grado de autonomía.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2016-17

No data




Code: 20557
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 30,00
Theoretical credits: 0,00
Practical credits: 3,00
Distance-base hours: 27,00

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,39
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,39
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,18
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,18
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,18
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 1,68
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught