Competencies and objectives
Course context for academic year 2024-25
Digital Image Processing is a constant evolving subject in its technological aspect, both in processing power and transmission, but also for the breakthrough digital processing techniques have experienced in areas such as filtering, compression and image analysis.
Current and future applications of Digital Image Processing are virtually endless. Digital television, video games, mobile phones, animated films are just some examples of the impact it currently has in the consumer society. In industrial and service applications, machine vision inspection and robotics are of great importance, as well as the great development in remote sensing and medical imaging.
From a historical perspective, digital image processing is a multidimensional generalization of the techniques of one-dimensional digital signal processing (DSP). The origins of DSP back to the nineteenth century, although its practical development does not appear until the sixties, when Cooley and Tukey proposed an efficient algorithm for the calculation of the Fourier transform: The FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). Then, with the advent of microprocessors, specific processors adapted for the calculation of FFT's were designed. These two factors have been very important in the spectacular advance of DSP, which has today penetrated all sectors of society and especially in the digital image processing.
Previous courses required:
Related courses:
Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2024-25
UA Basic Transversal Competences
- CT10 : Capacity to confront, plan and solve real problems demanded by society in the field of engineering.
- CT11 : Capacity to learn and apply new concepts and methods in an autonomous and interdisciplinary fashion.
- CT12 : Capacity to assimilate and adapt to the permanent evolution of technology when developing one's professional career.
- CT13 : Capacity to use the scientific method for planning and carrying out different tasks, both at academic and professional level.
- CT14 : Capacity for self-criticism needed to analyse and improve the quality of projects.
- CT6 : Capacity to use the English language fluently to access technical information, respond to the needs of society and be self-sufficient when preparing one's professional career.
- CT7 : Capacity for oral and written exposition.
- CT8 : Capacity to plan tasks and commit oneself to satisfying goals and deadlines.
- CT9 : Capacity for group work.
Specific Competences:>>Basic
- B1 : Capacity to solve any mathematical problems that may arise in engineering. Ability to apply knowledge of: linear algebra, geometry, differential geometry, differential and integral calculus, differential equations and partial derivatives, numerical methods, numerical algorithms, statistics and optimisation.
- B2 : Basic understanding of using and programming computers, operating systems, databases and computer programs for use in engineering.
- B4 : Understand and master the basic concepts of linear systems and the related functions and transforms, electric circuit theory, electronic circuits, physical principle of semiconductors and logical families, electronic and photonic devices, materials technology and their application to solve engineering problems.
Basic Transversal Competences
- CT2 : Students should know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional manner and should possess those skills that are usually reflected when preparing and defending arguments and solving problems in their field of study.
- CT3 : That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
- CT4 : Students should be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
- CT5 : That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Specific Competences: >> Competences Specific to Sound and Image
- E1 : Capacity to construct, exploit and manage telecommunications services and applications, understanding these to be systems for the acquisition, analogue and digital treatment, coding, transport, representation, processing, storage, reproduction, management and presentation of audiovisual services and multimedia information.
- E5 : Capacity to create, code, manage, broadcast and distribute multimedia content, taking into account criteria of usability and accessibility to audiovisual, broadcasting and interactive services.
Learning outcomes (Training objectives)
No data
Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2024-25
SO1: To explore and evaluate the role of different components of a digital image processing.
SO2: Understanding the wide range of present and future applications of digital image processing, both for the visible spectrum images such as those from other sensors (Radar, Ultrasonic, etc.).
SO3: To introduce students to the multidimensional digital signal processing in the field of images (2D) and video (3D).
SO4: To identify the problems of image processing as signal problems of linear systems, whose basic concepts have been acquired in previous courses.
SO5: Extending the theory of sampling and spectral representation to multidimensional signals.
SO6: Differentiate and justify the two major approaches to image processing: processing in the spatial and frequency domains.
SO7: To analyze and implement different techniques of coding and image compression.
SO8: Understanding the image analysis using methods of image segmentation and mathematical morphology.
Lecturer responsible:
Martínez Marin, Tomas
Credits ECTS:
Theoretical credits:
Practical credits:
Distance-base hours:
Departments involved
Theoretical credits: 0,9
Practical credits: 1,5
This Dept. is responsible for the course.
This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
Study programmes where this course is taught
Course type: COMPULSORY (Year: 3)