Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2024-25

Private international law is the branch of the Spanish legal system that is responsible for regulating international private relations. The process of European integration, the advances in communication and information technologies, the increase in transnational human movements, the so-called economic globalization and the elimination of obstacles to international trade mean that private international relations have gone from being the exception to be the general rule. Students who study law must be aware of this reality, know the tools that private international law establishes to ensure proper regulation of these relationships and reflect on the principles that should inspire such regulation.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2024-25

General Competences (CG)

  • CG1 : Capacitat de comunicació oral i escrita.
  • CG10 : Capacitat de treballar en un context internacional.
  • CG4 : Capacitat d'anàlisi i de síntesi.
  • CG5 : Desenvolupament de la capacitat d'organització i planificació.
  • CG8 : Capacitat de treballar en equip.
  • CG9 : Capacitat d'aprenentatge autònom i adaptació a situacions noves.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE1 : Prendre consciència de la importància del dret com a sistema regulador de les relacions socials.
  • CE10 : Desenvolupament de valors i principis ètics de les diferents professions jurídiques.
  • CE17 : Capacitat per a aplicar els principis generals i les normes jurídiques a supòsits fàctics.
  • CE2 : Aconseguir la percepció del caràcter unitari de l'ordenament jurídic i de la necessària visió interdisciplinària dels problemes jurídics.
  • CE3 : Capacitat per a utilitzar els principis i valors constitucionals com a eina de treball en la interpretació de l'ordenament jurídic.
  • CE4 : Capacitat per la utilització de fonts jurídiques (legals, jurisprudencials i doctrinals).
  • CE5 : Desenvolupament de l'oratòria jurídica. Capacitat d'expressar-se apropiadament davant d'un auditori.
  • CE6 : Capacitat de llegir i interpretar textos jurídics.
  • CE7 : Capacitat de redactar escrits jurídics.
  • CE9 : Adquisició d'una consciència crítica en l'anàlisi de l'ordenament jurídic i desenvolupament de la dialèctica jurídica.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2024-25

OG 1. Transmit to students the interest in learning private international law, insofar as it is a subject different from the rest both for its purpose (international private relations) and for its function (ensuring the continuity of regulation of these relationships in space).
OG 2. Provide graduates with the knowledge, skills, abilities and aptitudes necessary to advise on international issues.
OG 3. Develop the ability of students to apply their legal knowledge.
OG 4. Stimulate the ability of students to find and assess information, mainly on the Internet, write writings, prepare professional reports and scientific papers; as well as to communicate orally.

OC. 1. Understand what international private relations are and why they need to be subject to a differentiated regulation of purely domestic private situations.
OC. 2. Understand the division of the discipline into four units in response to the analysis of the three groups of problems that may appear in private international relations: judicial or extrajudicial resolution of disputes, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of foreign acts and decisions.
OC. 3. Understand the classification and interrelations between the normative sources of private international law: those of state or internal production, those of institutional production (UE), international and transnational.
OC. 4. Know what are the values ¿¿and interests that underlie the system of private international law when it comes to regulating each category of international private relations.

OC. 6. Understand the application of the basic concepts of the subject to the different institutions of international civil law and international business law.

OP. 1. Understanding of legal norms, of judicial sentences and of manuals, studies and doctrinal articles.
OP. 2. Drafting legal reports, demands and research papers.
OP. 3. Proceed effectively in the search and management of legal and jurisprudential sources, using information and communication technologies.
OP. 4. Ability to apply the techniques of reasoning in legal argumentation and to orally present their conclusions.
OP. 5. Ability to manage databases, texts, documents and their systematization in a logical and orderly manner.
OP.6. Reason and argue legally in the resolution of problems related to the subject.

OA.1. Sensitization towards issues of social and legal reality related, for example, to the integration of immigrants in Spain, emigration, interculturality or the so-called economic globalization.
OA. 2. Show critical reasoning regarding the adequacy of current international private law to offer an optimal response to the problems and challenges that arise in private international situations.
OA. 4. Understanding of private international law as an instrument at the service of peace, tolerance and the peaceful resolution of controversies.
OA. 5. Ability to work in a team




Code: 19027
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 9,00
Theoretical credits: 2,70
Practical credits: 0,90
Distance-base hours: 5,40

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 2,7
    Practical credits: 0,9
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught