Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2022-23

A general perspective of Sociology should provide intellectual, theoretical and methodological tools for the analysis of any complex society. The current consumer society, perhaps the most complex of all, apart from its material and productive dimension, has, like modern capitalism, a nature fundamentally semantic. Hence its enormous capacity to continually redefine itself according to the different sociohistorical contexts of the contemporary age. With the sole condition of maintaining the principle of extraction of value, collectively generated, in the form of surplus value in favor of a minority, capitalism and consumer society adapt, within an order, to any spatio-temporal circumstance.

As a consequence, concepts such as social classes, politics, groups or social organizations, so useful iIn the understanding of industrial society, must be complemented by the sociological analysis of advertising and the consumption, much more explanatory of the present postmodern society. The Sociology of the object and the satisfaction of industrial societies, evolves towards a Sociology of the symbolic and the semantic in the current consumer society. The object turned into sign endorses the passage of a society, as the industrial, based on the commodity and the satisfaction of needs to a settled in the signification, like the one of consumption. Even with the maintenance and multiplication of the essential material aspects, in the passage of industrial society to that of consumption there has been a progressive dematerialization. The object converted into a sign has raised this. The last of the real to the mythological. The consumer society itself is a myth. Everything is possible just by defining it. The myth of happiness, by simply defining it semantically, vertebra this society. The mere idea of consumption, constituted in founding myth, configures the very essence of consumer society. It is not the real enjoyment, but the anticipation of pleasure and happiness to come which generates the social integration of individuals. No change needed social in reality, it is enough to define it publicity. If the consumption of objects, mass produced at from the industrial society, is necessary for the satisfaction of material needs in any society, what defines the consumer society is the idea of consumption.

It is evident that the sociological study of a society as complex and multidimensional as the present one would lead us to the inevitable task of integrating minimally specialized knowledge. It would break like this, the perspective general of an introduction to sociology. Therefore, there is only one possibility before this problem: the analysis of a phenomenon that encompasses all the complexity of the consumer society and does not at the same time require this degree of specialization. In other words, a phenomenon that, in addition to responding to the complexity of the consumption, be simple. This phenomenon is advertising. Therefore, the objective of this subject is not the analysis of the advertising phenomenon to understand advertising, but rather the analysis of advertising to explain the consumer society.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2022-23

General Competences (CG)

  • CG.1 : Capacitat per a la recerca, l'anàlisi i la síntesi de la informació.
  • CG.2 : Capacitat per a treballar en equip: col·laborar amb els altres i contribuir a un projecte comú.
  • CG.5 : Capacitat per a la crítica i l'autocrítica.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE1 : Ser capaç de descriure els conceptes fonamentals en l'àmbit de la psicologia, la sociologia, el dret i les ciències naturals que són necessaris per a analitzar d'una forma global el fenomen criminal i la desviació.
  • CE5 : Ser capaç de proporcionar una explicació analítica de la diversitat i desigualtat social, com també de les seues conseqüències en relació amb el fet delictiu, la victimització i les respostes davant del crim i la desviació.
  • CE8 : Ser capaç d'argumentar i descriure diferents punts de vista i de sotmetre'ls a debat de manera lògicament coherent i de presentar conclusions en un format acadèmic apropiat sobre qüestions de política criminal, victimització, criminalització i respostes davant el crim i la desviació, així com sobre la percepció i interpretació que en fan els mitjans de comunicació, l'opinió pública i els informes oficials.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2022-23

General Title Competencies (CG)
L CG.1: Ability to search, analyze and synthesize information.
L GC.2: Ability to work as a team: collaborate with others and contribute to a common project.
L CG.5: Capacity for criticism and self-criticism.

Specific competences (EC)
L CE1: Be able to describe the fundamental concepts in the field of psychology, sociology, law
And the natural sciences that are necessary to analyze in a global way the criminal phenomenon and the
L CE5: To be able to provide an analytical explanation of the diversity and social inequality, as well as of its
Consequences in relation to crime, victimization and responses to crime and deviance.
L CE8: Being able to argue and describe different points of view and to discuss them in a
And to present conclusions in an appropriate academic format on criminal policy, victimization, criminalization and responses to crime and deviance, as well as perception and interpretation of this is done by the media, public opinion and official reports.

Formative objectives :

- To know the fundamentals of Sociology.
- Interpret social reality from a sociological perspective.
- To know the basic characteristics that define the identity of Sociology as a scientific discipline
and its object of study.
- To know the fundamental sociological concepts.
- To know the fundamental sociological theories.
- Know how to contextualize and explain social phenomena.

Specific objectives provided by teachers for the 2017-18 academic year

This subject develops two types of competences, and, within each of them, the following:
Among the transverse or general competences - those that transcend between the different subjects, subjects or qualifications - Sociology develops the following:
- Oral and written communication (CT1)
- Capacity of organization and planning (CT2)
- Ability to analyze and synthesize (CT3)
- Development of critical and self-critical thinking (CT6)
- Ability to work as a team (CT7).


Among the specific competences - those involved in the development of the object of study of the subject – are different kinds of competition. First, it is possible to consider the specific competences of disciplinary training (knowledge). These competencies are those presented in the last section of this field as objectives of the subject. The second type is the specific skills of vocational training (know-how). They are those that based on cooperative learning, teaching methodology used in the subject, develop Professional or instrumental skills. Basically the following are worked:

- Mastery of methods and techniques of social research.
- Ability to apply qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques of fundamental social research.
- Management of a correct vocabulary from a sociological point of view.

Finally, the specific competences of personal formation (knowing to be) - those resulting from experiences of learning - all come together with the transversal competences already mentioned. They are, therefore, the least within this second type. Perhaps the most remarkable is the development of the Management Capacity of information.


- To know the basics of Sociology.
- Interpret social reality from a sociological perspective.
- To know the basic characteristics that define the identity of Sociology as a scientific discipline
and its object study.
- To know the fundamental sociological concepts.
- To know the fundamental sociological theories.
- Know how to contextualize and explain social phenomena.

For more information go to the virtual campus at Learning Resources -> Materials -> Ver. Thank you very much.





Code: 18503
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,80
Practical credits: 0,60
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,8
    Practical credits: 0,6
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught