Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2022-23

Plant biodiversity is a compulsory subject in the Formative Key Module of the Degree in Biology. The primary goal is to provide students a global vision of the different organisms of the plant world. Consequently, Plant biodiversity is considered as one of the basic pillars for the future biologists, to gain a complete picture of the overall complexity of the plant organisms and their evolutionary processes.
Plant biodiversity aims to provide students the basic tools for the better knowledge of plant world as a whole, and to offer a global vision of the main plant groups present in nature. Plant organisms, due to their biodiversity and biomass in terrestrial and marine ecosystems, are of paramount importance in almost all environments, not only as primary producers but as sustenance and support for other groups of living being, with which they constantly interact in ecosystems. The course begins with an overview of this discipline, by recalling and expanding some of the aspects studied in previous semesters. The subsequent study of the main plant groups is the principal part of the subject, according to evolutionary and adaptive perspectives. Special emphasis will be placed on the universal value of scientific nomenclature and botanical names, as the only unambiguous attributes for using modern information search systems. Furthermore, the study of flora conservation is undertaken in the final part of the subject, which will facilitate the proper tools to study the plant conservation and management plans for endangered plant species.
The location of this subject in the Second semester of the Second course (year) of the Biology degree will provide the student an easier comprehension of the basics of this subject. Students have already been studied the main basics of the Botany (science which includes Plant Biodiversity) for a correct understanding of botanical matters. Therefore, students will be able to deepen with agility and solvency in the particular contents of Botany, allowing them to reach the competences own of the subject. However, it has to be properly coordinated with the rest of subjects of both the Degree and the Second course to ensure proper acquirement of generic skills of the module.
Summarizing, Plant Biodiversity provides the basic knowledge to successfully cope with some of the matters and subjects of the degree that are tenable at the following semesters, as well as for the development of the professional activity of the future Graduate in Biology, according with the specific competencies conferred by the Spanish Official College of Biologists (COB).



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2022-23

Generic Degree Course Competences

  • CG1 : Desenvolupar la capacitat d'anàlisi, síntesi i raonament crític.
  • CG10 : Desenvolupar actituds crítiques basades en el coneixement.
  • CG3 : Resoldre problemes de manera efectiva.
  • CG4 : Demostrar capacitat de treball en equip.
  • CG5 : Comprometre's amb l'ètica i els valors d'igualtat, i també en la responsabilitat social com a ciutadà i com a professional.
  • CG6 : Aprendre de manera autònoma.
  • CG8 : Adquirir una preocupació permanent per la qualitat i el medi ambient i la prevenció de riscos laborals.
  • CG9 : Demostrar habilitat per a transmetre informació, idees, problemes i solucions a un públic tant especialitzat com no especialitzat.


Specific Competences:>>Theoretical

  • CE11 : Conèixer els principis de la sistemàtica i la filogènia.
  • CE7 : Comprendre els mecanismes i models evolutius.
  • CE9 : Identificar organismes i interpretar la diversitat d'espècies en el medi, així com el seu origen, evolució i comportament.


Specific Competences:>>Ability

  • CE36 : Elaborar, presentar i defensar informes científics i tècnics tant de manera escrita com oral davant d'una audiència.
  • CE37 : Saber cercar, analitzar, comprendre i redactar textos científics i tècnics.
  • CE38 : Utilitzar correctament els mètodes inductiu i deductiu en l'àmbit de la biologia.
  • CE42 : Saber identificar, analitzar, catalogar organismes biològics.


Generic UA Competences

  • CGUA2 : Expressar-se correctament en qualsevol de les llengües oficials de la Comunitat Valenciana de manera oral i escrita.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2022-23

• To know and understand the main basics of plant systematic and phylogeny.
• To recognise and identify plant organisms.
• To interpret the plant diversity in the environment, plus their evolutive origin and ecological behaviour.
• To understand the basics of evolutionary models.
• To generate reports and talks on Botany from the information obtained in both lectures and practical classes.




Code: 26528
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,00
Practical credits: 1,40
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Area: BOTANICS
    Theoretical credits: 1
    Practical credits: 1,4
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught