Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2021-22

Literatura Catalana Actual és una assignatura de segon curs (6 crèdtis) que ofereix una introducció general a la narrativa de ficció catalana contemporània (de finals del segle XX i principis del segle XXI), centrada especialment en l'estudi d'algunes de les obres més importants i emblemàtiques d'aquest període recent, amb una atenció específica als fets i a les idees literàries historicoculturals que són a la base dels grans canvis estètics que s'hi produeixen. Aquesta assignatura aplica perspectiva de gènere en els continguts, tal com es reflecteix en els Blocs 2 i 4 del temari

Els coneixements i les competències que l'alumne hi pot assolir contribueixen a l'adquisició d'unes competències literària, cultural i lingüística, que li permetran adquirir una formació vàlida per a les tasques docents, investigadores, de crítica literària, d'assessorament i dinamització culturals o de creació pròpies del grau de Filologia Catalana.

Igualment important resulta continuar treballant aspectes actitudinals presents en altres assignatures de primer, com ara el desenvolupament del sentit crític de l'alumne i el foment d'una actitud positiva cap a la literatura per, així, despertar la seua curiositat vers d'altres manifestacions culturals.

Així mateix, aquesta assignatura es coordina especialment amb la resta d'assignatures de literatura catalana contemporània i amb altres de primer com ara "Introducció a la l¡teratura catalana medieval", per tal que l'alumne obtinga una formació òptima que abaste tots els períodes i gèneres. També es relaciona amb les assignatures de continguts lingüístics "Taller d'Expresssió oral i escrita" i "Pràctica de la normativa catalana".




Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)



General Competences (CG)

  • CG1 : Ability to gather and manage information that allows life-long learning.
  • CG10 : Relate Arabic Studies with Philology and other disciplines, as well as work in interdisciplinary teams in national and international contexts.
  • CG11 : Appreciate diversity, plurilingualism and multiculturalism in modern society.
  • CG12 : Respect fundamental rights and promote democratic values, equality of men and women, equal opportunities and universal accessibility for the disabled and the values of peaceful culture.
  • CG2 : Capacity to put the knowledge acquired into practice.
  • CG3 : Capacity to plan and manage time.
  • CG4 : Capacity to learn and work both autonomously and in a team.
  • CG5 : Capacity for self criticism that encourages concern for quality and continuous improvement.
  • CG6 : Interpret, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information scientifically and critically.
  • CG7 : Make decisions, solve problems and adapt to new situations.
  • CG8 : Generate new ideas, design and manage projects with initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • CG9 : Transmit knowledge of one's disciplines, prepare and defend arguments and present problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist audiences.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • CE13 : Understand and analyse the main stages, movements, authors and works of literature in a second language of those proposed in the degree course.
  • CE5 : Capacity to interpret, produce and develop academic descriptions and arguments and/or technical reports related to the professional contexts that can be accessed with the degree qualification.


Transversal Competences

  • CGUA1 : Be able to communicate in a foreign language other than Arabic in one's discipline.
  • CGUA2 : Be able to use basic ICT tools at user level.
  • CGUA3 : Be able to express oneself correctly in one of the two official languages of the Region of Valencia in one's discipline.




Generic Degree Course Competences

  • CG3 : Be able to develop reading, analysis and synthesis techniques.


Generic UA Competences

  • CUA3 : Be able to express oneself orally and in writing in one's discipline in one of the two official languages of the Region of Valencia.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Conceptual

  • CC15 : Understand the main stages, movements, writers and works of literature in the second language.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Procedural

  • CP20 : Capacity to use the pertinent materials and resources: bibliographic repertories, dictionaries, works of reference, critical editions, translations and ICTs as an independent learner able to control one's own learning process and make the corresponding independent progress.


Specific Competences (CE):>>Attitude

  • CA22 : Be able to value and take advantage of multilingualism and multiculturalism as a social agent participating in the construction of a plural and tolerant society on the basis of the multicultural configuration of the Spanish-speaking world.
  • CA23 : Be able to show a critical and self-critical attitude during the learning process.
  • CA24 : Capacity to demonstrate social commitment to the equality of men and women, the plural and diverse nature of modern society, peace and democracy.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2021-22

No data




Code: 30120
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,80
Practical credits: 0,60
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,8
    Practical credits: 0,6
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught