Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2024-25

The Bachelor's degree in Advertising and Public Relations aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of all elements comprising and interrelated within the communication system, particularly in advertising and public relations, for their application in organizational settings and for the development of a strategic mindset. Graduates should be capable of communicating and expressing themselves coherently and correctly in their professional practice; they should be able to develop, plan, and evaluate actions and discourses specific to advertising and public relations communication for campaign development. Additionally, they must grasp the theories, categories, and concepts that have significantly impacted various branches of corporate and institutional communication research, development, and innovation, as well as the necessity for self-regulation due to its ethical and socio-cultural implications. It is precisely with this latter objective that the course "Advertising and Public Relations Deontology" is connected.

The overarching goal of Advertising and Public Relations Deontology, with its descriptor stating "Study of ethical foundations, legal frameworks, and institutions regulating discourse and relationships among strategic communication agents. Case analysis. Knowledge and application of professionalism and personnel management in Advertising and Public Relations," is to assist students in mastering their work effectively, preparing them to become competent professionals in the future. In this regard, our aim is not only to enhance their cognitive capacity in professionalism and ethics but also their ability to lead, act responsibly, and engage with others.

The curriculum for obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Advertising and Public Relations includes Module 7: Deontology, Professional Self-Regulation, and Legal Regulation, which is a mixed module. It consists of two semester-long courses, each worth six credits, taught over two academic years. One course, Introduction to Law for Communication and Advertising, is a foundational course offered in the first year. The other course, Advertising and Public Relations Deontology, is mandatory and is placed in the third year.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees) for academic year 2024-25

UA Basic Transversal Competences

  • CGUA2 : Ser capaç d'utilitzar com a usuari eines bàsiques en TIC.
  • CGUA3 : Ser capaç d'expressar-se correctament en una de les dues llengües oficials de la Comunitat Valenciana (llengua catalana o llengua castellana) en l'àmbit de la seua disciplina.


General Competences:>>Instrumental

  • CG1 : Capacitat d'anàlisi i síntesi.
  • CG2 : Capacitat de posar en pràctica coneixements.
  • CG3 : Coneixement bàsic del camp d'estudi.
  • CG4 : Coneixement bàsic de la professió.


General Competences:>>Interpersonal

  • CG10 : Habilitat per a treballar en un equip interdisciplinari.
  • CG11 : Destreses en relacions interpersonals.
  • CG12 : Reconeixement de la diversitat i la multiculturalitat.
  • CG13 : Compromís ètic.
  • CG14 : Habilitats crítiques i autocrítiques.


Specific Competences:>>Knowledge (theoretical)

  • CES27 : Coneixement de l'ètica i deontologia professional de la publicitat, les relacions públiques i qualsevol altre tipus de comunicació.
  • CES28 : Coneixement dels processos d'autoregulació de la comunicació comercial i no comercial.
  • CES29 : Coneixement de l'ordenament jurídic de la comunicació publicitària.


Specific Competences:>>Professional (practical)

  • CE41 : Capacitat per a exercir la pràctica professional respectant els drets humans fonamentals i dels valors, individuals i col·lectius, emmarcats en diferents corrents culturals i civilitzadores, que la comunicació persuasiva ha de respectar i potenciar.
  • CE42 : Capacitat per a implementar el coneixement teoricopràctic de l'ètica i deontologia de la publicitat i les relacions públiques així com del seu ordenament jurídic.
  • CE43 : Capacitat per a identificar, analitzar, utilitzar i resoldre els conflictes morals que es plantegen entre subjectes i objectes del sistema de la comunicació comercial i no comercial, partint de l'individual al global.
  • CE44 : Destreses, habilitats i tècniques per a la direcció de persones per al treball en equip i per a l'assumpció de lideratge en l'àmbit de la comunicació comercial i no comercial.
  • CE45 : Capacitat per a entendre i interpretar l'entorn i adaptar-se al canvi.
  • CE48 : Capacitat per a interpretar les implicacions i efectes culturals de la comunicació publicitària i les relacions públiques.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2024-25

The general purpose of Advertising and Public Relations Deontology is to help the student learn to perform their job well, assisting them in becoming a proficient professional in the future. In this sense, our goal is not only to increase the cognitive capacity of professionalism and ethics but also their ability to lead, act responsibly, and interact effectively.

From a cognitive standpoint, our aim is for the student to:

Recognize the fundamental values of advertising in today's society and the rights it satisfies.
Consider the moral rights and responsibilities acquired by advertisers.
Learn the general norms (legal and ethical) that should guide the behavior of a good professional.
Identify some of the ethical issues they will face in their profession.
Understand the main regulatory systems of advertising and how they operate.
Become familiar with the principal codes of ethics in the profession.
Know how to apply general ethical knowledge to specific professional circumstances.
From a skills perspective, our interest lies in the student:

Knowing how to handle some basic tools of the discipline.
Being capable of teamwork and implementing shared leadership.
Increasing their capacity for dialogue and discussion.
Developing their social skills and negotiation ability.
Being able to confront and resolve conflicts.
Being capable of making decisions and arguing them from an ethical perspective.
Being able to evaluate facts and ideas.
Developing self-criticism and self-assessment.
Improving their oral and written expression.
From an attitudinal perspective, our interest is to:

Awaken in the student a moral sensitivity and interest in issues related to deontology.
Foster in the student a sense of professionalism, honesty, and justice.
Transmit to the student, as a citizen and professional, the value of tolerance, critical thinking, and responsibility.
Instill in them social sensitivity and prudence by showing them the potential societal impacts of their work in the future.




Code: 22526
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 6,00
Theoretical credits: 1,50
Practical credits: 0,90
Distance-base hours: 3,60

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 1,5
    Practical credits: 0,9
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.

Study programmes where this course is taught