Competencies and objectives


Course context for academic year 2013-14

El objetivo del Seminario de Investigación, que se imparte a lo largo de todo el curso  académico, consiste en iniciar al alumnado a las tareas de investigación en el campo temático del Programa del Máster, suministrando las herramientas teóricas y prácticas necesarias para afrontar un trabajo de investigación, así como desarrollar un caso de estudio mediante la tutela del alumnado por parte del profesorado.



Course content (verified by ANECA in official undergraduate and Master’s degrees)

General Competences (CG)

  • G1 : Understand the scientific method by carrying out experimental tasks that follow the different stages explicitly: observation, analysis and data gathering, evaluation, comparison of results and conclusions. Capacity to use the scientific method to carry out research.
  • G10 : Capacity to relate and group the different factors involved in Architecture and Town Planning, paying attention to their types and possibilities, recognising the social, cultural, artistic and architectural values of the same.
  • G2 : Capacity to study, understand and objectively criticise scientific-technical databases and publications.
  • G4 : Understand the multiple technical, legal and property ownership conditioning factors that arise in the different fields of architecture and the ability to establish valid alternatives, choose the best and put it into practice effectively, predicting problems and using the most appropriate methods and technologies to ensure maximum effectiveness and favour progress and the development of a sustainable, environmentally-friendly society.
  • G8 : Capacity to transfer and apply scientific methods to academic, professional and research work, as well as propose new ways of working in the field of Architecture and Town Planning.
  • G9 : Capacity to gather and interpret significant data to give opinions that include critical and innovative reflection.


Specific Competences (CE)

  • E1 : Ability to understand architecture on its multiple social and cultural levels.
  • E10 : Study the urban and spatial transformation strategies defined by different legislations.
  • E11 : Analysis of the demands of sustainability, both in urban and spatial contexts.
  • E12 : Understand and handle the tools offered by the new technologies, applied to studying spatial planning and management, especially Geographical Information Systems.
  • E13 : Capacity to find, acquire and use the geographical and thematic data needed to study sustainability.
  • E14 : Analysis and evaluation of the problems raised concerning spatial components and databases, using GIS technology.
  • E15 : Capacity to prepare thematic cartography on the basis of the analyses carried out.
  • E16 : Understand and master the concept of sustainability in the field of architecture.
  • E17 : Entendimiento de la necesidad de adoptar prácticas de diseño, constructivas, de mantenimiento, de utilización y deconstructivas más sostenibles.
  • E18 : Capacity to implement greater sustainability in the design, building, use and discard process of Architecture.
  • E19 : Understand the criteria for sustainable building development in harmony with the environment.
  • E2 : Ability to propose alternatives to events and types that respond to urban demands.
  • E20 : Understand the concept of sustainability with reference to building materials and the importance of using available local materials.
  • E21 : Understand the use-durability ratio of building elements.
  • E22 : Understand the pathological processes associated with the building systems used.
  • E23 : Understand the compositive systems associated with historical building.
  • E24 : Understand the foundations of the durability of building materials and the mechanisms that control their alteration and deterioration processes.
  • E25 : Understand the importance and influence of the context on the different processes of alteration and deterioration of building materials.
  • E26 : Recognise the incompatibility of different materials.
  • E27 : Understand the principal systems for protecting materials against the main causes of alteration.
  • E28 : Understand the main procedures for assessing the damage caused to building materials and elements.
  • E29 : Understand the main characterisation techniques used in studies of the durability of building materials.
  • E3 : Ability to establish strategies for the reconnaissance, conservation and reuse of events.
  • E30 : Understand the characteristics that different building systems of traditional architecture should have to work correctly.
  • E31 : Understand the most sustainable minimum intervention building systems.
  • E32 : Capacity to take action on the architectural heritage with sustainability criteria.
  • E33 : Capacity to take action on historical nuclei without loss of heritage and/or cultural, social or ethnic identity of the location.
  • E34 : Understand bioclimate techniques for climate control and energy saving.
  • E35 : Capacity to propose current building solutions based on one's knowledge of traditional systems by using sustainable procedures related with the manufacture of new elements and the elimination of their waste.
  • E36 : Ability to solve passive environmental climate control and understand the need to prioritise this system making passive use of the materials and systems that make up the building.
  • E37 : Capacity to develop projects and implement domotic installations and automatic systems in buildings to control energy consumption and regulate the use of climate control installations.
  • E38 : Understand advanced renewable energy exploitation technologies.
  • E39 : Understand solid waste treatment techniques.
  • E4 : Ability to transfer analyses and studies to specific documents for real management and application.
  • E40 : Understand and apply the reuse of wastewater and rainwater.
  • E41 : Technical knowledge for exploiting biomass and biofuels in buildings.
  • E42 : Capacity to carry out the energy certification of buildings.
  • E5 : Ability to identify a relevant design situation to be analysed, implementing a solution to an environmental mission or problem.
  • E6 : Ability to find and use the appropriate procedure for calculation.
  • E7 : Ability to work with new architectural models that allow students to reconsider the building parameters and paradigms of modern cities, as well as managing and formulating a comprehensive view of cities through the same.
  • E8 : Analysis and diagnosis of current urban and spatial development models to lay down guidelines for intervention that are more in agreement with current sustainability demands, both in urban and spatial contexts.
  • E9 : Analysis of spatial growth models located on the coastal strip, as well as those associated with new land occupation close to the main cities.




Learning outcomes (Training objectives)

No data



Specific objectives stated by the academic staff for academic year 2013-14

  • Obtener visión general de la investigación en el ámbito universitario.
  • Conocer las técnicas generales de investigación científica.
  • Analizar la importancia y la necesidad del comportamiento ético en ciencia.
  • Conocer la metodología general de elaboración de trabajos de investigación científica.
  • Obtener una visión general de la gestión necesaria en la investigación, tanto en lo relativo a las solicitudes como a la realización de proyectos de investigación en distintos ámbitos.
  • Obtener una visión general de los sistemas de información y documentación científica
  • Analizar la metodología general de elaboración de la tesis doctoral
  • Identificar la estructura formal del documento escrito de tesis doctoral.
  • Distinguir las etapas del proceso de defensa de la tesis doctoral.
  • Valorar la importancia de la comunicación científica.
  • Analizar la metodología general de escritura científica que permita redactar y publicar artículos de carácter científico-técnico.
  • Conocer las etapas del proceso de publicación de artículos científicos.
  • Iniciar al alumnado a las tareas de investigación en el campo temático del Programa de Máster
  • Desarrollar un caso de estudio en el campo temático del Programa de Máster
  • Realizar una comunicación científica del trabajo realizado y defenderla públicamente






Code: 38420
Lecturer responsible:
Credits ECTS: 9,00
Theoretical credits: 1,20
Practical credits: 2,40
Distance-base hours: 5,40

Departments involved

    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,48
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,24
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,48
    Theoretical credits: 1,2
    Practical credits: 0,6
    This Dept. is responsible for the course.
    This Dept. is responsible for the final mark record.
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,12
    Theoretical credits: 0
    Practical credits: 0,48

Study programmes where this course is taught